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/bant/ self improvement thread

ID:xbIcvxqo No.15114132 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a thread to talk about the process of trying to become a better, happier and more fullfilled person
Share your own experiences and things you have learned on your own journey of betterment.
Here are some simple goals for today to give you some idea of where to start:
-Go outside and touch grass
-Meet new people
-Don't drown fish in piss
-Find something you like doing and include it into your daily activities
-Don't smoke toads then incinerate them alive or mutilate, kill and torture them for your sadistic entertainement.
-Read a book
-Apply for a job
-Don't cum into your own face then call other people a retard
These are some little things you can apply to your day to get started with your journey, good luck.