>>15116567It can be difficult to understand what others mean and feel. You may have difficulty perceiving faces, body language, irony and invisible rules in social contexts.
It can be difficult to get others to understand you properly. You never feel on the "same level" as others.
Some interests can take up a lot of your time. It can feel safe and good to do just those things.
You need to do it a certain way, and have fixed routines so that it is the same way every time. It can be difficult to change routines that have become a habit.
You do not like sudden changes. It can feel difficult and stressful when you do not know what will happen, when plans change or if you are surprised. This may cause anxiety and depression.
You may have difficulty controlling your thoughts, feelings and behaviors in new situations, when you experience a lot of demands or when there are many expressions.
Some lights, sounds and smells can be difficult to handle. For example, you can react strongly to the food's texture, appearance and taste, how different materials feel against the body or when other people are wearing perfume. Or when people chew loudly or smack their lips while talking. Sudden rage is a common response.
You are extra good at certain things that you enjoy, often exceeding normal skill levels because of your obsession with the subject but you are really bad at stuff most people find easy.
And so on.