Quoted By:
Lookening's upon's the yellow's and white's water's with the qaqash in it, remindening me's of the holy's Flag of Bebestan, me's turning's around's and walkening the street's babye's. Every step's me's makening's, an americacat squll's crackening's and shattering's under my BEBESTANI feet's. I's lookening upon the lamppostenin's and seeing's the allaxanpapies hangening's from them's. Every sqwar meterlan has an americacutan's executening's on it's. Me's salutening my neqraan babakangzlar's, they's big's big's musqular bodyening's, adorning with trophy's byabie's and juju bongo's idol's takening's from americacatar's. I's smilening's as the last americacutar ridening's his fatlar scooterlan toward's the Juju Floydi Pappus idol's askening's for forgiveness and talkening something's about big babbus qoqlar (BBQ). So I smashening's his squl with my big's big's musqlar because he trumplar gaylar baybie transbabay's eheheh WHO'S BACHKO NOWWWW'S???????? WHO'S??????????' ME'S SICK WITH AMERICACAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!