>>15138436Gonna put the experiences of many women, they're boyfriends don't want to use condoms, women don't want to fuck their bodies up with birth control, men are careless because they want a reason to keep their gf around, being not ready emotionally nor financially, knowing you are pregnant takes a couple weeks, making plan B useless, and decide to get the "easiest" option which is the pills. It sucks having labor like periods, not to mention the effects of pregnancy before. Some women don't even notice signs, others get sick and sensitive to smells and tastes, all of this because guys wanna orgasm. Yeah it sucks, but you'd think you guys would understand if you didn't have a great childhood because your unprepared or unworthy parents had you, if they gave you up you'd likely be worse off, when you are paranoid about women baby trapping you, or your bodies belonging to the government since you are military drafts, it makes sense doesn't it. At least there's good men out there that stay with their gfs and help them get the medicine and stay by their side through it, imagine the "men" who take off at the first sign of pregnancy, deny it is theirs, or abuse the new mother, imagine being born to that.
Why the hell am I being political at 3am