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Quoted By: >>15163893 >>15163929
friendly reminder that (((sleep))) is wrong and unnatural and is a tactic perpetuated by (((jews))) to prevent the aryan race from evolving into their true form, you can gain as much energy from staring into the sun for 20 minutes than you could get from (((sleeping))) for 8 hours. the (((moon))) is an artificial anti-white object created by the jew's (((alien))) ancestors from the (((alpha centauri))) star system designed to create a day and (((night))) cycle on earth that tires the aryan male quickly, and the (((moon))) releases (((electromagnetic radio x-rays))) which drains the energy from the aryan male.(((Jews))) do this because they can do their (((jewing))) in the (((night))) when most of the global population is (((asleep))) because (((jews))) don't need to (((sleep))). the (((moon))) doesn't appear much in very ancient artwork because the (((moon))) was only put here 13,000 years ago, when the (((jewish))) (((alien))) ancestors discovered the Earth. You can fight the (((sleeping))) menace by staring directly the sun for at least 20 minutes a day, and work up to 40 minutes and eventually an hour. not only will your energy be recharged, you'll feel much more energized than an 8 hour (((sleep))) would and your brain will start to evolve to the way the aryan brain used to be 13,000 years ago. (((They))) don't want you to directly look at the sun so they launched a scare campaign saying it can damage your eyes, which is factually untrue.