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Okay, real talk. This board is a never-ending roller coaster stuck on the path from being moderately shit to overwhelmingly shit, and frankly, I blame all the autistic wojak posters for turning the place into a cancerous circlejerk, pepefagging normiefags, and salty leebaiters who cheese the sub like watchdogs. Because of you three groups, good posters like the Tunisian Ghibli poster are possibly gone for good. I don't mind a little shitposting here and there, but with your irrational childish behaviors and your lack of moderation, you're the only ones who are ruining the board for the current posters and future posters. I'd tell you to sort your shit or fuck off, but who am I kidding, this entire site is a haven for menchildren and I know that you'll just double down on your cancerous behavior after you read this post. I only wanted to share my mind on this subject, and now that I'm done doing so, I no longer give a damn.
>>15170525 I love Toshino Kyoko so fucking much
If you're hanging around waiting for the board to change (ie, the people that choose to post here) don't hold your breath I know very little about this board but I always assumed it was a casual chat/shitposting hangout
>>15170852 its a copypasta newchud
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>>15170525 They move threads here from pol, why are you complaining about quality
>>15170857 I'm not even a chud
I'll cut my dick off for you bb
>>15170878 trannies can be chuds too
>>15170897 That's very strong and fierce of you
Go to bed
>>15170928 i woke up two hours ago nonetheless
>>15170937 An early riser huh? Nice
Got any big plans for the day?
>>15170944 i have a job interview in the afternoon and that's about it
>>15171106 Well, it's still only coming up on 9pm here in the PNW. I got some coursework done, cleaned the house up and down, talked to the parents and now I'm knocking back a couple beers
Best of luck in that interview
>>15171116 >Well, it's still only coming up on 9pm here in the PNW. I got some coursework done, cleaned the house up and down, talked to the parents and now I'm knocking back a couple beers i see
>Best of luck in that interview danke
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>>15170525 A Billion C**no Threads Ruined bant
>>15171118 Funny enough, I happen to live nearby a wilderness park named after a figure you may have heard of, Giuseppe Garibaldi
Actually I've been meaning to ask an Italian for a while, does he cut a figure in the national consciousness like Washington does for Americans?
>>15171129 >does he cut a figure in the national consciousness like Washington does for Americans? yeah, pretty much. he's considered one of the fathers of Italy as a country and he was largely responsible for the unification. I'd say that he's considered the most important figure of Rinascimento together with Mazzini in our national consciousness. Savoy dynasty also had some merits but they aren't well-remembered today because of what happened in WW2.
I wonder why a wilderness park in Canada is named after him though. Is it because of his military campaigns in the Americas?
>>15171240 I know that name was coined in 1852 for a mountain by pioneers of the area. It must have been big news even back then, and perhaps the circumstances of his exploits were regarded as heroic back then, and the cause righteous
>>15171359 >>15171364 oh, if it was coined back then yeah, that's definitely the case. he was very popular in Britain at the time.
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>>15171391 Yeah that makes sense. We were essentially British at that point
Thanks for entertaining the tangent, and once again good luck
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>>15170529 this guy hates toshino kyoko