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>Leaked text messages from James Gandolfini were uncovered today by TMZ, and the text messages are astounding. While the messages appear to be dated back from 2009, the message is shockingly relevant today.
>"Trump is a phony. I met him at the Oscars and he told me that he was running for president and I laughed at him."
>Gandolfini proceeds to go on and text "I told him that what the country needs is someome opposite of him.
>While it's unclear exactly who Gandolfini was texting, TMZ recieved these text messages from world reknowned tough guy, and famous skateboarder Mike Vallely. Vallely had this to say.
>"Republicans like taking advantage of disenfranchised groups? Well my fists will be opening up franchise nationwide, and Republicans will be the first ones served.
>"Trump is a phony. I met him at the Oscars and he told me that he was running for president and I laughed at him."
>Gandolfini proceeds to go on and text "I told him that what the country needs is someome opposite of him.
>While it's unclear exactly who Gandolfini was texting, TMZ recieved these text messages from world reknowned tough guy, and famous skateboarder Mike Vallely. Vallely had this to say.
>"Republicans like taking advantage of disenfranchised groups? Well my fists will be opening up franchise nationwide, and Republicans will be the first ones served.