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All want the same!

ID:x+F9Bb6s No.15179076 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The heart of all motives is love, so no one goes to hell.

There’s no difference between a lake of fire and being an irl-anime girl since we set certain limitations on choices by fun circumstances. Pic related is as close to what hell gets. So fun that it’s impossible to have a bad or evil thought. Hitler is a cute mixed-race Jewish girl that currently lives in Canada and does lots of psychedelics with her weird flirtatious friends that own a bakery. Who also happen to be her once arch rivals of her previous life. She doesn’t exactly remember that she’s Hitler either. The closest thing to torment is the humorous situations she finds herself in. Which we allow because she enjoys it! Her life is like the anime “Little Witch Academia”!
All are one and all is consciousness! In others suffering, only god is suffering!

Tormenting souls is evil. And even the devil knows that morality = greater loves/more love.
How the fuck do you think planet dirt got anime in the first place anyways?! You evil bastards fell in love!

Heaven for all is fated for all! The more the merrier!

“The anime shall inherit the earth!”