>>15224176White women realised they’re high on the privilege totem pole so they’re now mass self diagnosing with learning disability conditions like autism and adhd so they can claim to be neurodivergent and get some oppression points even though by all impressions they’re high functioning.
Bonus points for sharing memes about how missing a bus one time means you have adhd. They’ll then conform to this diagnosis and become active in social media pages dedicated to these conditions.
They’re also in an arms race with one another, hence why this never stops here. They add more and more things they’ve self diagnosed themselves with (typically “auto-immune” “physical” conditions like chronic pain, fibromyalgia, ehlers dalos syndrome, etc…) to stand out as pink/blue hair isn’t cutting it anymore (see also: increasingly elaborate sexuality and gender identities).
Medical professionals disagreeing with these self diagnoses are accused of gas lighting. There’s then a battle because these women will self refer to a private quack physician who specialises in these diagnoses in order to get one (I’m not aware of a single one who got told they didn’t have whatever condition the clinic specialises in) then act outraged and oppressed when their general physician will not continue the medication they were prescribed by this fraud.