>>15224299>>15224284>>15224290If you play video games more than 3-4 hours a week and you're older than 19 years old you are unironically a major loser. Here is how I can tell:
>If you're a chad or you get girls you go hang out with them, or sex them or go on dates or something rather than play fucking Dota or Mariokart or whatever it is you kids play>If you're an athletic/workout guy you hit the gym after work>If you don't have a job and have 40 hours during the week to play games well then you're a loser by default>If you aren't working your ass off to either save money and get out of your parents home you're a loser>you obviously aren't reading books, improving yourself, watching videos on shit if you're gaming. Basically, I won't go too hard on these kids, since everyone has their vices, but video games are probably the dumbest biggest waste of time. Its like being really good at a board game. Congrats bro, you're the best SORRY! or Old Maid player out there. Have fun wasting hours, time, years of your life playing some stupid fucking game that gives you no monetary value. All time that could have been spent lifting weights, running, cooking, reading (getting smarter), or /DIY/ around your house. Truly pathetic. Gamers are the biggest copers