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ID:t1WYoHl8 No.15228626 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
They used to have chocolate and normal milk for a dime at school. Every week two students from the 8th grade were tasked with milk duty, and had to go to the nurses office where the big tub fridge was and pull the crates out to carry to the different class rooms and ask who wanted milk. The tub fridge had a subtle smell like old milk cartons that had leaked slightly over the years, overpowered by whatever the artificial chocolate flavor was seeping through all the waxed paper cartons. One day on milk duty I accidentally tripped while coming up from the 5th and 6th grade class in the basement and dropped the cup carrying all the dimes. I didnt think I found them all and was was worried they would count and find a discrepancy and accuse me of stealing, so for the next month I dropped two dimes in the cup every lunch to even it all out.