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ID:wyxM/UUk No.15245820 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You know what's really bullshit? The African is always the victim of the white man, but he's never the victim of his own people. The African is always a victim, the white man is always evil, and that's the way the African game is played. That's how it's been played since the beginning of time. That's how the African has always played it. It's not like the African is any different now than he was then.

I don't care if you're talking about African-on-African crime. What about African-on-white crime? Who are the victims in all of those cases? The white man, of course. But, the African always gets off. The African gets away with it. That's the African way. That's what the African has always done. That's how the African has always played it. If the African is so goddamn oppressed, why does he always have so many guns? The African has been in the ghetto for over 50 years, he has guns, he has welfare, he has a lot of things. If he's oppressed, why does he have a lot of stuff? That's the African way. That's how it's always been. That's why the African is always the victim. That's how the African has always played the game. That's how the African has always lived.

I'm talking about the African in the white man's house, the African who's always got a big African TV. The African who's always got African McDonald's. The African who's always got a African stereo. The African who's always got a African cat. The African who's always got a African dog. The African who's always got African clothes. The African who's always got African videogames. The African who's always got a bunch of African buddies. The African who's always got a African African.

That's the African's house. That's the African's home. That's the African's crib. Yet the African complains. That's how the African has always played the game.