>37898527414% Eastern Europe & Russia. Not White
>378985849Fake. Not White
>37898682019.7% Eastern Europe. 2.4% Southern Europe. Not White
>378989606White as the driven snow
>3789896578% Spain. 3% Portugal. 2% Sardinia. 1% Southern Italy. 1% Finland. Not White.
>3789898861% Finland. Not White, but so close.
>37899085014% Portugal. 11% Puerto Rico. 10% Spain. 3% Bantu. 1% Senegal. 1% North Africa. 1% Egypt. 1% European Jewish. 1% Finland. Not White.
>37899222895% Balkans. 5% eastern Europe & Russia. 0% White.
>3789926562.1% Italian. .4% sub-Saharan African. Not White.
>3789928051% Finland. So close but not White.
>37899413933% Jewish. 7.5 Finland. 6.8% Italy. 2.6% Baltic. Not White.
>3789945284.5% southern European. 23.5% east Asians & Amerindian. 1.5% Melanesia. Not White.
Congratulation to the few White people that frequent /pol/ and now /bant/ apparently.