>>15310677New dole bludgers here. I just logged into my Jobactive account and it's says that I have no search requirements for this month. But if I don't think this is correct to contact my provider.
When I went in today for my first meeting with them they said the requirement was 12 on my job plan, then when I got home it said 10 on jobactive and now it says nothing If thats the case should I contact them or think I can get away with no job search? Do you think they changed it at the end of the day because I mentioned I was unvaxxed?
Also I think I fucked up on the Privacy thing they get you to sign. On it I recall you can change it at anytime. If I request and they act like they don't know about this privacy sheet, who should I threaten to contact or report it to?
It's was mainly the box about reverse marketing me and contacting potential employers about me. Im guessing that means they can be applying to the people on my behalf? If I change it to no, does that mean I can just get them to give me the details of these potential employers and act like I were to apply for them myself?