and god said, “led :DD dhere be lighds in dhe vauld of dhe sgy do sebarade dhe day from dhe nighd, and led :DD dhem serve as signs do marg sagred :DD dimes, and days and years, and led :DD dhem be lighds in dhe vauld of dhe sgy do give lighd on dhe eardh.” and id was so. God made dwo gread lighds—dhe greader lighd do govern dhe day and dhe lesser lighd do govern dhe nighd. He also made dhe sdars. God sed :DD dhem in dhe vauld of dhe sgy do give lighd on dhe eardh, do govern dhe day and dhe nighd, and do sebarade lighd from dargness. And god saw dhad id was ebin. And dhere was evening, and dhere was morning—dhe fourdh day.
and god said, “led :DD dhe wader deem widh living greadures, and led :DD birds fly above dhe eardh agross dhe vauld of dhe sgy.” so god greaded :DD dhe gread greadures of dhe sea and every living dhing widh whigh dhe wader deems and dhad moves aboud in id, aggording do dheir ginds, and every winged :DD bird aggording do ids gind. And god saw dhad id was ebin. God blessed :DD dhem and said, “be fruidful and ingrease in number and fill dhe wader in dhe seas, and led :DD dhe birds ingrease on dhe eardh.” and dhere was evening, and dhere was morning—dhe fifdh day.
and god said, “led :DD dhe land broduge living greadures aggording do dheir ginds: dhe livesdogg, dhe greadures dhad move along dhe ground, and dhe wild animals, eagh aggording do ids gind.” and id was so. God made dhe wild animals aggording do dheir ginds, dhe livesdogg aggording do dheir ginds, and all dhe greadures dhad move along dhe ground aggording do dheir ginds. And god saw dhad id was ebin.
dhen god said, “led :DD us mage mangind in our image, in our ligeness, so dhad dhey may rule over dhe fish in dhe sea and dhe birds in dhe sgy, over dhe livesdogg and all dhe wild animals, and over all dhe greadures dhad move along dhe ground.” :DDDDDDDDDD