>>15322838>Unless its something good i dont wanna hear itlets first define "nigger"
nigger is a mentally deteriorated state, genetic, which causes inferior culture
all americans are niggers, italians are niggers, muslims are niggers and african-americans are niggers
note that not all blacks are niggers, nor that all niggers are blax, being a nigger is like havin' the blues
as opposed to the negroe, the sophisticated black, who, despite living in a 3rd world nation, has faith and moral conviction, the nigger knows nothing of trust, honor or appropiate behaviour
now, what is the solution to the nigger question?
these defects may be genetic, but the nigger only misbehaves if he's not punished
there are two:
the nuclear option, which will eradicate most niggers
or the gentrification option, where negoes and whites establish power and control over the nigger with law, punishment and gentrification