>>15345925This "american" is not an american.
>>15345926but back to
>>15345925The Russians got their asses kicked on "phase 1", got their asses kicked on "phase 2" and now are on "phase 3" which was going okay until recently.
The ukrainians keep baiting the russians into extending their lines, slamming their supply lines in soft areas, then stopping them cold at points, getting into artillery battles and using drones until the russian soldiers say fuck this and withdraw back. repeat repeat repeat.
Phase 3 they are trying to slowly advance and bring all the gear slowly forward with them but that's just turning into ukrainians picking htem off in a wide network not taking the bait and letting the russians take land while they blow up russian bridges, major capital ships, fuel depots, ports and refineries.
Russia has to keep trying to press forward to try to cut off the ports... which is pointless really but it sounds neat and see if ukrainians will give up.
Putin is getting bad information so he thinks it might be close but the truth is this can go on for years and years and years. it really depends on how much punishment the Russian people are willing to take so Putin can seize the oil and natural gas in eastern ukraine. We are talking years and by the end of fall starvation is coming to russia if this keeps up. bad starvation, really really bad. like 1930's shit.