[8 / 7 / ?]
>not posting touhou and blowing it out your ass
Were you bullied school, are you retarded or both?
>T-that's just autistic shitposting!
Yes, and? Was life a competition for who makes the best posts?
>Y-You get hooked to spam them!
No you won't, unless you're underaged and can't browse 4chan in moderation.
>I-Its ruining my muh /bant/ culture!!!
Who's forcing you to stay on /bant/, you baka?!
>not posting touhou and blowing it out your ass
Were you bullied school, are you retarded or both?
>T-that's just autistic shitposting!
Yes, and? Was life a competition for who makes the best posts?
>Y-You get hooked to spam them!
No you won't, unless you're underaged and can't browse 4chan in moderation.
>I-Its ruining my muh /bant/ culture!!!
Who's forcing you to stay on /bant/, you baka?!