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I'm sick of guys thinking it's easier for women to find love

No.15358267 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's not; it's easier for us to get sex and the sex itself isn't even that great most of the time.

And it's the same men who complain about being used for money despise being broke 90% of the time. They complain about being used for their cash despite not having any but yet women aren't allowed to complain about being used for our bodies despite us all having them.

Half of the men I open up to have tried to take advantage of my vulnerability to try and get sex then left when they didn't get any. One even suggested I suck his cock to make me feel less worthless.

I don't want subpar sex, I want love Goddammit, but I just had to be born in a generation that values casual sex and being too afar to communicate their emotions over healthy relationships. Everyone wants to be toxic and emotionaless and it just makes me feel more hopeless.