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ID:+hGx6888 No.15372251 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>incel tranny with half a ball gets elected as Führer
>Cook up a preschool-tier plan to take over the world Invader Zim-style
>Succeed in rebuilding economy thanks to your talented and hard working people of Germany
>Start witch hunting so intense all (you)r best artists and scientists flee to America
>Bongs and Frogs try to ally with (you) to take care of USSR, Ally with Stalin instead
>Invade Pooland, declare war on UK and France
>Them BTFO because they weren't prepared for war
>Feel invincible, Invade Soviet Union(supplies you with petrol btw)
>Soviets BTFO thanks to Grandes Purges(Waow, Stalin!)
>Don't prepare for winter
>Nazi push halted in Stalingrad
>Best buddy Japan declare war on United States
>Get BTFO by Brits
>(You)r army stuck in Russia
>Don't let them pull back
>US Army starts bombing (you)r factories
>Don't negotiate
>Soviets regroup and start grinding their men in Ukraine
>Don't negotiate
>Allies land in france
>Don't negotiate
>Your factories disappearing rapidly thanks to B-17s
>Americans in German territory
>Don't surrender
>Heeresgruppe Mitte obliterated by Vodkaniggers
>Don't negotiate
>Red Army in German territory
>Don't surrender
>Group up 70 year olds and teenagers for war
>All die
>Still don't surrender
>Rusniggers in Berlin raping and pillaging everyone
>Still not surrender
>Soviet tanks kilometres from (you)r bunker
>Germans do everything they can to stop the Slavnigger push
>Blame everything on "inferior German race" and shoot yourself in the head
End results:
>10 million Germans dead, Europe including Germanic countries like Austria in rubles
>German culture vaporised
>Half of Europe fall under Communism, Eastern Prussia given out to Pooles
>USSR becomes superpower
>Country divided in half
>You become lapdog of US and USSR
>"A...At At least we owned the jews"
>*America pinches Jerusalem for Israel*