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Noticed it just now

ID:o/KUhq7l No.15398172 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why is 4chan being censored all of a sudden? I have noticed this especially on the /b/ board where if you post something that is a highly offensive and unnerving comedic joke it gets taken down within 10 minutes of posting, where as instead when you post some stupid nudes thread or some shit like that it never gets taken down until the end of the month or maybe even 2 months depending on the number of comments/replys. Posts on /b/ get comments fairly quickly and even an unfunny post goes viral within 5 minutes approx. I think free speech on 4chan is being sabotaged by redditors who have somehow gained access to being mods, ever notice how theres an influx overly self-loathing incel type posts that go viral and these green text pages on instagram post screenshots of it?, also notice how reddit-tier "wholesome" posts are also going viral the same way?, you know what that means?, 4chan has been invaded by fat mouth breathing betas, fat mouth breathing incels, fat mouth breathing cucks, fat mouth breathing redditors, fat mouth breathing left wingers, fat mouth breathing pedophiles and all of the other parasites and vermins of society, who the fuck let these mf's into 4chan?, this used to be a block of the internet where trolls and normal people (not fat mouth breathing acne ridden faggots) could hangout and chill and have a good laugh or two while also keeping in check with the worlds shenanigans, now its all a bunch of you pussys and left wing liberalism and it has just made it fucking worse, you guys are fucking pathetic, the only place left with any sanity is Encyclopedia Dramatica, so move over there boys, 8kun used to be ok but even they are taken over by mentally retarded faggots from reddit.