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ID:8cJMl4A/ No.1540191 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>ywn go to sleep and wake up in the hey day of the british empire
>ywn get on a boat and go to india with the lads and help put down rebellions
>ywn shag dotheads by the boatload then go back to england and marry the qt virgin from your village who will make a good mother for your seven children
>ywn cycle through the streets of london and know that at this very moment you are at the centre of the civilised world and experiencing the pinnacle of human achievement
>ywn get shipped off to bongo bongo land and write back to your wife and kids about how you are helping paint the map of Africa a beautiful British red
>ywn be an old man with your grandchildren on your lap telling them about how you helped civilise the world