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ID:xvisXeVT No.15413194 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think my coworkers think I'm either retarded or a shooter waiting to happen.

>be me, 19, work as a fast foaod wagie
>moved in with uncle for this job because I came from a town of 2000 residents with no jobs, hence I have no friends
>have Asperger's so hardly ever engage in conversation naturally the most I'll say in one day if I'm not required to is two or three words
>90% of my coworkers are high schoolers and kept trying to have conversations with me on my first couple weeks
>not very good, I usually just gave one liners
>got to know this guy a little better
>tell him I have Asperger's
1 week passes
>coworkers won't stop leaving me alone, keep asking me how my day is, if I'm doing well, thanking me and trying to help with my tasks to the point where I'm almost not even working anymore

What the fuck.