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haha dont you mean rapefugees? get it haha because refugees rape people? hahahahahha
germany? more like gerabia HAHAHAHA!!!
al hail kekistan and trump :) pol is always right! man i wish i could upvote!
>typical fiat jews shill
OOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!! YOU FUCKING GOT HIM THERE DUDE! JEW GOYIM AM I RIGHT?? just love that roast :) Epic right? haha yea i know good olde days haha well anyawy what is the topic at hand now are we talking about trump?
yea didnt he just like attack korea? haha lol gooks get rekt! blow it out of youre ass koerea!
anyway was it hs the topic at hand right i mean lets get back to the current topic whawt do you think about sweden (aka cuckistan or swedistan or swerabia XD) anyway they're taking in so many RAPEFUGEES HAHA XD they're women are getting raped and sweeden is doing nothng??? no wonder they're called cucks!
anyway lets get back at the topic at ahnd uh so what do you thibk about defeating muselims? ow do we go about it? i mean they're rapefugiign germanistan hahaha which is bad i guess becyase theyre a bunch of cucks well anyways now thats its removed from europe i guess they're ll dead?
btw look at thuis pic i found isnt this just so funny and fitting to the topic at hand because you know the jesdws are the cause of all of this