>>15431025It took generations of propaganda by Jews. To make nigger males seem interesting. They are not.
None of this is by accident. This was planned for, and you see the results.
Women are social creatures, and it is a sign you are progressive to Genocide your own genes. If the Kikes who control television, film abs sports made it seem popular for women to gouge one eye out and cut off 1 breast.
Whites women being first simpletons, leaderless, abs White being conquered abs defeated, White women will do it.
We must regain control of images, abs social stigmatization, that immense shame is brought upon a woman who engages in this activity.
You can stroll sometimes see the shame and regret in a via burners eyes, granted she hasn’t become a soul less monstrosity, the look is always present deep in their eyes, which shows deep down, they know this is wrong, but they can’t overcome the operating system antiWhite Liberalism installed in them.
So they see their path if destruction to the grave. Either physically or via the womb.