Guys, if any of you are interested in bitcoin, or other crypto currencies, or if you're planning on maybe getting into it, you should listen up.
/biz/ has made their own crypto, they call it Chancoin, and it's already gathered a little bit of momentum. You can trade it on Cryptopia, Tradesatoshi, or novaexchange. It's also on coinmarketcap
And it even has it's own website at where you can download the wallet for free.
You should all help meme this coin's value up, and if you do, we can all get sweet sweet profits on it!
Bumped for interest! Please, sir, provide a link to one of the exchanges it is currently listed on. I have a fraction of Bitcoin to play around with.
>>1544742 get off this site, normie.
>>1544742 >>1544749 >being a normie for being on the crypto market i think you've got things mixed up, a bit.
>>1544796 No!
The more demand there is, the higher the price will rice, so if you get some now, and help it rice even higher, you'll be able to sell for a lot more later one day
Come on guys, we're memeing this bitch. The meme magic must flow!
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>>1545069 Never post here again
>>1545069 Jesus, good job creating a stage 4 cancer post there faggot
[4chn: CaZYmJXKEu5VSKiLDiVXtgVPHCuUUAiWtH] ID:H5NwoBUQ Mon 24 Jul 2017 20:28:53 No. 1545276 Report Quoted By:
Come on peeps, you're saying you want to miss out on the feeling you get when you buy your first meal with Chancoin?
>>1545235 Careful bro, don't want you to get banned for this post. Calling out cancer for being cancer isn't allowed anymore.
>>1545318 > shitpost loudly > go for maximum cringe with meme bullshit > start pulling up the rules when people tell you to fuck off How sad are you
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Okay, so i made a shitty comment, but that is beside the point. The point is that together, we can make this increase in value, and if you chip in, you might actually get to ride the value up and make some bucks. And since that's what people want, some of those with a lot of coins are very generous and willing to spread the chancoins
>>1545358 Not the person you were replying to. Think of my post more like saying "MODS = FAGS"
>>1545391 Yeah, whatever buddy. Ofcourse it's totally impossible to tell apart the people who always hang out here from two douches, or one with a proxy, just from the way they type up their bullshit... Right? Because that would be some kind of black voodoo magic. btfo
>>1545442 I wasn't being a douche lol. My post was supposed to be ironic and give a giggle for how faggoty the mods are being, but I'll let you believe what you want. I really don't know how you got the impression that it was anything otherwise. I was showing you a screenshot of a faggoty warning I got for typing "saged" in a reply.
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>>1545474 How new can you get?
>>1545442 you're retarded.
His comment was just 10 secs after my previous one
Is it possible that just maybe there's more than one person who disagrees with you?
>>1545474 You're a retard, he didn't say "SAGE GOES IN ALL FIELDS" or "saged" or even declare he was saging the post or put Sage in his name field. Quit being new and lurk more.
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>>1545506 Look at the picture, you fucktard. Do you really think I was actually citing the rules? No, I was calling out mods for being utter faggots these days. I really don't understand how this eludes you.
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>>1545235 >>1545506 I mean the picture he posted, not the one attached to my post. Why are we even arguing about this?
>>1545502 Yeah, good plan. Now that you've been called out on your newfaggotry, switch it up, and start insulting people. See how that fits in your business plan
>>1545542 nobody's called me a newfag, and besides, i don't think there's anything i can say to convince you to get into chancoin, so i really don't give a fuck what you think, and don't give a fuck if i'm insulting you.
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>>1544676 If we can meme this into existence, it'll have worth.
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>>1545620 Good, at least you figured that out, that means you no longer have a reason to be here and you can fuck off with your fagbucks
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>>1544854 Alright, thank you!
>Implying you can compete with the Gods
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>>1546144 Chancoin is already higher than doge, mate
Chancoin has far greater rate of investment than Dogecoin. Dogecoin is a dying meme
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i really like the technology on this one!
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>>1544676 Bump for interest.
OP, if you didn't go about this thread like a faggot, more people would consider this.
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>>1547118 true. i tried to be a good sport and explain my "reddit" behavior, but, that fucking italian just yappered at me, and got me annoyed
Hope i at least caught someone with my OP
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>>1544676 You can't fool us, we know the crypto-market crashed!
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>>1544676 Cryptocurrency absolutely ruined /biz/ it's all they talk about now.