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No.15447267 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Marinefaghere, 0111 Oorah!
My question is why the fuck do you retards not want to do anything with your lives? You know, other than jacking off to cartoon girls on here. If you wanna get some real pussy, why don't you join the marine corps? You'll lose weight and you'll finally get laid, it's a win win. Plus you'll be doing more with your life than just lurking on this fucking site.
>Open to anyone under 35
>Will help you get in shape before joining even if you are a fatass
>Will teach you valuable life skills
>Will teach you how to not be a pussy
>If you aren't a retard you can choose an MOS that keeps you out of combat and with a 0% chance of getting PTSD
>Get a consistent paycheck that lets you take home $1k+/month due to not paying rent or food
>Get endless respect and discounts if you get out
>If not then you have a consistent career with zero chance of getting laid off and a low chance of getting fired unless you completely fuck up
>Even if you get a grunt job and learn zero civilian life skills writing "served four years in the military" will make 90% of boomer bosses hire you on the spot for trade work