>>15458894All one needs to do to know about this:
>>That reaction appears to have been one of genuine surprise, as well as concern inside the Communist Party that the killing of Kennedy might be part of a larger right-wing coup to take over the U.S. government.Is look at our policies before and after Kennedy was assassinated. LBJ gave us the Great Society, which I support as a lefty, but he also was the first to slash the taxes on the rich and then came Nixon. Ford. Carter was the beginning of the "centrist democrat". Teddy Kennedy tried to challenge Carter in the 1980 primary but somehow a young woman magically ended up dead in a car with him. Do you really believe "Teddy Kennedy is a murderer" as the rightwingers say?
JFK shot
RFK shot
Only one brother left. Can't shoot him. Too obvious. So murder a woman and pin it on him so he's never president.
JFK Jr airplane crash (infamous CIA means of assassination)
Eventually, we got Ronald Reagan's America.
Shit is crazy, man. I'm not even a conspiracy theorist. I try to stay away from conspiracy theories but the CIA is a rightwing death machine out for our blood, to turn us into slaves to capitalism. All you need to do is read through this shit and see all the fucked up shit the CIA has done, on record, to left countries who democratically elect socialist leaders
>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change#1945%E2%80%931991:_The_Cold_WarOne of the biggest problems with rightwingers is they get conspiracy theories all wrong. Their conspiracy theories are just a pernicious mix of paranoia and hatred and ignorance. They're useful idiots because the real conspiracy theories are all perpetrated by capitalist rightwingers.
Sorry if you guys on this site don't like to hear that, but it's true