Females PERMANENTLY carry the DNA of all of their past partners. Yes, you heard that right BITCH. It's called "microchimerism," and it means that the DNA of every man who enters inside a woman is permanently assimilated and carried down to future offspring.
What does this mean? That means that if you're dating a girl who has had sex with 2 different men, your offspring will carry the DNA of those 2 men. Imagine if it was a shitskin! This is literally the biggest blackpill ever for incels only able to settle down with used up roasties. Imagine having a child with a roastie who has been with thousands of men, your child will be a literal abomination kek.
What are the political implications of this? You know it's real because every study done on this subject is underfunded, made to fail, and heavily biased. I can't even find any sources for it on google without hundreds of "FACT CHECK" websites. I had to use a third party browser just to get the scraps I got. Discuss
>>15491584 Alhamdulillah for islam
>>15491584 >incels only able to settle down with used up roasties Incels are only incels because they REFUSE to settle down with used up roasties. Normalfags and Chads are the ones devoting themselves to other men's cumdumpsters
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>>15491585 cringe
>>15491586 lmao no, you should see the absolute manlet balding retards dragging around half niglets with a fat white bitch i see
>>382603778 bot
>>15491584 Abstract says chimerism occurs as a result of pregnancy. Says nothing regarding casual sex.
>>15491584 Yikes heckin insell when will you man up and accept responsibility for chad's leftover?
>>15491588 It doesn't matter how it occurs simply that it DOES indeed occur. I can find studies for females carrying the DNA of males they sleep with in animals but NONE for humans because there have been no fucking tests done you nip shitskin!!!!!
If you coom in a woman and she later has a child with another man, how much of that child would you say is yours?
>>15491584 Oh look. This thread again.
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 16:51:45 No. 15491593 Report >>15491584 I don't think they carry the DNA of all their past partners... just the DNA of those partners with which an egg was fertilized. I'm not sure how long it takes from that point for it to occur. It apparently is greatest when pregnancy or abortion occurs. So if a woman has had many abortions than she probly has a lot of brain cells with XY or from other partners, really makes you think.
>>15491584 That would explain the nigger-ish Zoomer hairstyle I see everywhere. Their mothers were coalburners and some DNA remained.
>>15491586 so the used up roastie excuse of "i can't find someone good enough for me" being thrown around by incels kek the fucking cope
Retarded Americans can't even read an abstract...
Did you read the part where she has to have gotten pregnant for microchimerism to occur?
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 16:53:25 No. 15491598 Report >>15491588 casual sex leading to abortion, and perhaps casual sex and then the Plan B pill would also do it. Regular miscarries also would do it. I don't know how birth control works really... does it stop fertilization altogether?
>>15491592 seething roastie
>>15491591 0% because as far as i'm concerned if there is foreign dna in that child it isn't mine
>>15491593 cope, they carry it with ALL partners, that's how DNA works, it gets absorbed no matter what
>>15491594 good hypothesis
>>15491596 read the thread retard, thats the only scraps i could find. there have been no genuine studies in the other direction because it would crush the feminist movement
My wife bled the first time we had sex. Does that mean she was a virgin?
>>15491584 > >Microchimerism is the presence of cells from one individual in another genetically distinct individual. Pregnancy is the main cause of natural microchimerism through transplacental bi-directional cell trafficking between mother and fetus. Read your own link incel
>>15491584 Glad I chose a virgin Asian girl to be my wife.
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>>15491599 don't date non virgins. Simple as. Though you shouldn't be hypocritical about it either
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>>15491600 Or dry, mr shapiro
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 16:55:26 No. 15491605 Report >>15491599 I'm not coping shit. You are just a retard, kek. DNA is not getting absorbed... fetal cells are being taken into the mother's body, much going to the brain. Your study doesnt say anything about sperm cells at all.
>>15491597 yes nigger i read the part now find me a study not made by a (((juden))) that examines if females permanently carry that DNA before pregnancy, protip you can't
>>15491601 >main cause yes, like i said three times in this thread pregnancy is another cause but the fact it can occur at all is proof that women assimilate DNA of males, you can't refute this
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>>15491584 >BREAKING NEWS I JUST FOUND OUT: Welcome to 2015.
>>15491601 So I got my ex pregnant and she carried it for about 6 weeks then it died but my DNA lives on lol neat
>>15491602 enjoy your mini rodger
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>>15491608 i know the twitter type like you in real life, i used to bully a few in high school. on a scale of 1-10 how badly were you bullied in school?
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 16:57:55 No. 15491613 Report >>15491610 you are quite stupid I think. Is it not bad enough microchimerism occurs in abortion and birth and miscarriage? Mothers who abort their babies have to live with a part of the dead baby inside of them. You don't think this is useful? But you want to make up other shit? Post nose and forehead.
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Just donate to sperm banks to counter act it
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>>15491602 You can see it in her eyes, she would crawl on all four for him and ate his cum out of a dog bowl.
>>15491598 Plan B prevents ovulation i.e. an egg being released from the ovaries. Synthetic estrogen/progesterone "the pill" prevents an egg from attaching to the uterine wall, so the egg can be fertilized but prevents viable pregnancy.
>>15491613 >noo how dare you imply my kids are not my own, so what if my girl had sex thousands of times before we had children those kids are 100% mine!!!! leaf meltdown
>>15491591 Do you seriously not know how babies are made?
Unless your sperm is the sperm that fertilizes the egg none of that kid is biologically yours ie has none of your dna.
5 year olds know this shit anon.
>>15491606 >find me a study not made by a (((juden))) that examines if females permanently carry that DNA before pregnancy Do you know what sperm are? Sperm are useless unless they reach the egg, and the egg attaches to the uteran wall where it gains access to the woman's bloodstream. How are they going to change the DNA of anything without that connection? Think anon, think.
>>15491610 You are going full retard right now lol
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>>15491584 Just imagine what that means you are ya know with all us knowing ya mum
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>>15491600 Most likely, yes. Or she had chlamydia at the time and her inflamed cervix bled
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:01:08 No. 15491623 Report >>15491616 so in both cases, I guess the egg can be fertilized? In this case, then yah I assume microchimerism could occur from casual sex.
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>>15491599 >they carry it with ALL partners, that's how DNA works, it gets absorbed no matter what thats literally not how dna works kek. if i sneeze on you do you become me? kek
>>15491619 they don't *change* dna persay, they simply get absorbed and added to it. it is a very small percentage i will admit but it is there nonetheless and so mating with a female who has had past partners is cuckoldry by definition
>>15491620 seething incel, it's not my fault you can't find a virgin waifu, enjoy having octaroon kids that are barely yours kekaroo
>>15491623 now you're getting it
>>15491584 It's literally a British superstition from the Renaissance called telegony. It's often ascribed to Aristotle by Americans because Americans are retarded and it's first mentioned in a book by pseudo-Aristotle: There is no scientific basis for this, and although supposedly well-known to any breeder of animals, it's really only known to Anglos and breeders everywhere else will laugh at you if you mention it (Source: I tried).
So OP found out that a gene pool exists. Now he just has to learn that this feature is very important to prevent hereditary damage and that it is no problem at all to impregnate a woman with an enriched gene pool, as long as this woman did not commit racial defilement.
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:02:55 No. 15491628 Report >>15491617 you are wrong. I'm not going to tell you about my life tho. You should actually read what links you post tho lol. It may happen from casual sex as per this post
>>15491616 and still has nothign to do with sperm DNA getting taken up, retard.
>>15491626 cope
>>15491627 lmao two germans in a row defending roasties having tons of casual sex. imagine coping this hard and thinking that your girlfriend fucking other guys is a good thing, even more cucked then poolacks lately lmao
>>15491628 i've read the fucking study you dogshit dogfucking leaf. did you read my fucking OP? i said that study was the only scraps i was able to find on this subject because there have been ZERO (0) studies done
>>15491629 >cope Nah historical fact.
>>15491584 do you just constantly think about black cock or what
>>15491631 >my girlfriend fucking other guys is a historical fact well yes in this case you are correct my cuck friend
>>15491632 bot
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:05:13 No. 15491634 Report >>15491625 you should just admit you were wrong, kek. Why are we even arguing? Just admit sperm DNA is not getting 'taken up' but that it is fetal cells from post fertilization.
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>inb4 roasties go cope seethe meds dilate rope
>>15491584 Today you got final confirmation that you are indeed a complete brainlet. Congratulations. It's really wonderful to see you type all that blissfully unaware of how absolutely retarded you are.
>>15491623 Not with Plan B, it only works if an egg hasn't been released. An egg that hasn't been released can't be fertilized. Supposedly the pill is supposed to prevent ovulation too but I don't buy it. It was sold to us that way so that synthetic progesterone wouldn't bother those of us that believe life begins at conception. Taking birth control pills and letting men cum in you is like having an instantaneous abortion every month
>>15491611 Go back to réddit
>>15491629 Have sex, touch grass muttoid
>>15491630 >there have been ZERO (0) studies done Because it's a superstition that is mostly known to people with an interest in the history of European medicine, specifically the British Isles. I guarantee you that most biologists will not know what you mean if you describe telegony to them.
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>>15491627 Scientific experiments on living humans revealed that artificial insemination of a clinical "virgin" does not lead to immaculate conception, but to malformed stillbirths.
>>15491633 Dunno about your girlfriend but if you say so.
>>15491638 kek cope. Not my fault you can't get a white gf so u need to downgrade
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:07:14 No. 15491643 Report >>15491630 ok bro. But there is no mechanism for what you are talking about, and no need for one either. There is plenty of meat to go against casual sex and especially abortion. Why not stick to the facts instead of invoking some jewish 'dark matter' sperm microchimerism?
>>15491634 admit i was wrong why? doesn't the lack of studies on this subject only further prove my point? if this is something so easily debunkable, why is there no studies debunking it? why are they refusing to even TOUCH this subject at all beyond pregnancy microchimerism? i'm sorry leaf fren, no women will fuck you, even if you defend them on internet forums
>>15491636 cope roastie
>>15491639 >have sex i just did with your girlfriend, enjoy taking care of my progeny for me cuckold
>>15491641 cope
>>15491643 it's not dark matteresque at all, it's quite simply. male DNA enters woman -> some of that DNA stays and is assimilated
what is so scifi about this concept? is leaf education this bad?
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>>15491643 Because polsheviks are obsessed with cuckolding and purityfaggotry.
>>15491584 >What does this mean? That means that if you're dating a girl who has had sex with 2 different men, your offspring will carry the DNA of those 2 men. Now imagine dating girls with colledge degree, Anon...
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>>15491591 about tree fiddy
>>15491644 lol have sex incel.
>>15491584 >Females PERMANENTLY carry the DNA of all of their past partners. Telegony is bullshit.
>>15491628 I'm not saying microchimerism isn't real, it certainly is, but I am going off of the study which claims it is found in a percentage of women who became pregnant. If you studied it in women with no children I imagine you would still find microchimerism.
>>15491625 >they simply get absorbed and added to it. so the Borg. DNA works like the Borg. k. gotit. You totally don't need meds or anything.
>>15491625 >they simply get absorbed and added to it When I eat steak I don't absorb cow DNA and become part cow. What makes you think the vagina does this to dead sperm?
>>15491584 > This article is about microchimerism in pregnancy, organ transplant, blood transplant, and between twins
Zero indication that DNA of previous partners is stored
Massive amount of evidence showing there is no transfer and if there was the invading cells would die from the immune system
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I doubt dna ,. But for sure any STDs from previous whoredoms and Wuhan NIH SARs Vaccines .
>>15491625 >they don't *change* dna persay, they simply get absorbed and added to it. American education lol.
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:09:41 No. 15491657 Report >>15491637 I'm confused tho... so fertilization happens one night, then you go grab Plan B and the fetus is aborted, no? In what way would it work if it only stopped a future egg from being released?
So white boys settling with white roasties that still have nigger mitochondria from all the time they nutted in her at college. lol poetic.
that's not how it works. women who WERE PREGNANT with a man's child carry part of the dna OF THEIR CHILDREN
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>>15491658 Would explain your IQ, mutt.
>>15491644 >if this is something so easily debunkable, why is there no studies debunking it? Do you know how hard it is to prove a negative, let alone to publish a negative that most people don't believe? You'll have as much trouble trying to get an article published about a scientific study that shows water isn't deadly to humans.
>>15491657 As i said in another post, Plan B only works if the woman isn't already ovulating. Ovulation is abiut 3-4 days a month. It works by preventing ovulation, does not work if she's already ovulating, says so on the packaging.
>>15491584 YEEHAW. There must be a reason I have always blasted huge loads of baby batter. It’s because nature is cruel and will find a way to pass on its genes no matter what. I love the feeling of FLOODING someone’s future wife with an insurmountably sperm sense load. I’ve noticed women get super clingy and loyal after you fill them regularly. I love being called a fucking stud when they’re overflowing with a thick river of my fresh cum.
There was a period of time that I had 6 different lovers who would hit me up all hours of the day begging to be filled with an unprotected load. BC is a brain recking drug to women but his does it feel good to have your balls perpetually emptied, and they have to keep up with the demand by making bigger loads more quickly
>>15491648 cope
>>15491649 cope, your child will have other mens DNA inside of it
>>15491650 sigh, you fucking retards will not let up about the fucking study already. that was used to prove a different fucking point. THAT IS THE ONLY STUDY I CAN FIND ON MICROCHIMERISM!! WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU!!!
>>15491651 uhh doesn't it work for that like pregnancy microchimerism like your roastie defenders are saying in this thread? why in that case couldn't; it also work for foreign dna?
>>15491652 >false equivalence human body not made to assimilate cow DNA, your girlfriend had another man shoot his sperm inside your girlfriends vagina, that dna stays there no matter how much you seethe and cope
>>15491654 yeah we just established that retard, try reading the thread next time
>>15491656 9 posts in this thread defending roasties, sad to see, the meltdown is real
>>15491659 cope
>>15491660 why do you keep talking about interracial?
>>15491662 lmao cope, if it was so easily debunkable they would just examine womens DNA and see if they carry any from previous partners but they wont because it confirms the hypothesis
>>15491599 > they carry it with ALL partners, that's how DNA works, it gets absorbed no matter what nope, not at all how DNA works. if it did viruses wouldnt need protein coats, only DNA
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:13:08 No. 15491667 Report >>15491644 hardly anyone knows about microchimerism. I think you are a dirty kike well poisoner personally. You made a thread about the subject but immediately start implying other shit that does not connect. Fetal cells and sperm cells are so completely different. I don't see how it would even work. Calling me an idiot will not make you look smarter, btw.
microchimerism sends fetal cells all throughout the female body, esp. to the brain. What you are suggesting would only be occuring on the tissue where sperm touches. I don't even see why that would be a concern to you with actual male brained roasties running around.
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>>15491657 There are also abortion pills available over the counter that are different from Plan B, that might be what you are referring to.
>>15491584 >read 2 paragraphs >it's all about the mother and child exchanging genetic material through the placenta Is this some weird cuck fetish you have? You know there's sites you can go to for that, right?
>>15491667 >hardly anyone knows about microchimerism. because no one will fund a well founded study on it
>well poisoner lmao enjoy having another mans children, it makes no difference to me personally you can just click off and go to your next twitter bait reaction thread, no one is forcing you to make over 20 posts defending roasties
>>15491669 >not capable of reading the thread sad to see so many roasties are illiterate as well. that's the FUCKING POINT of the study you dumbass retard.
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>>15491584 Yes this was instinctively known by all our ancestors. They all believed this since the dawn of recorded history until about a hundred years ago when modern Jewish science “disproved” it.
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>>15491664 Yuck. Sex is kinda icky, and I even unfortunately have it with my girl occasionally. I mean I guess it feels good, but not like ruin your life good, not like meth good. Just like "Mhm this burger is pretty fucking tasty" good. I've had better experiences gaming, and it's not even close. Don't understand you freaks and your weird sexual obsession.
>>15491665 >if it was so easily debunkable they would just examine womens DNA and see if they carry any from previous partners but they wont because it confirms the hypothesis >the lack of evidence is evidence in itself bro are you okay?
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>>15491584 Once you go black we don’t want you back!
>>15491665 Look bro, I agree with you. Casual sex damages women. I was just trying to explain how methods of birth control work.
>>15491665 And to respond to this anon, seeing how upset you are, how does it feel that you exist as a combination of all the men’s DNA that blasted their balls in your whore of a mother before she settled for you cuck father? Dozens of strange mens loads invading your mothers womb and absorbing into her body, changing your genetic makeup forever before you swam out if your dads nuts and became the unlucky offspring of a degenerate whore?
>>15491665 you sound like a tranny that just hasn't killed himself yet
>>15491673 yes, the lack of evidence is actually evidence itself no matter how much plebbit spacing you do inbetween. they did a study on pregnant microchmerism so why didn't they simply test the DNA of those women and compare it to previous partners and see any similarities? cope
>>15491675 i don't care about women retard, i care about my frens who might accidently have children with a woman who is carrying another mans dna
>>15491642 >you can't get a used up slut >you can't handle them Classic roastie cope.
>>15491665 >your girlfriend had another man shoot his sperm inside your girlfriends vagina, that dna stays there no matter how much you seethe and cope Yeah as I suspected this is some weird cuck fetish. You have fun with that.
>>15491679 >you can't get a used up slut where'd i say that? I simply said white. You just downgrade to chinkoids
>>15491630 >zero studies >it happens OK, I will bite. what is your theoretical mechanism? please include all genes/proteins. you can use desriptions or the actual names. i will wait.
>>15491676 please don't project your mothers own unfaithfulness on my own, not everyone is born in a crackden like you fren
>>15491677 ironic considering you're the one here defending roasties till your dying breath, no woman will ever fuck you sorry to say
>>15491680 >LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU I'M PLUGGING MY EARS LA LA LA LA i expected this level of mindbrokenness, i know this news is a lot to take in but take some deep breaths anon, you'll be okay
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>>15491584 breaking news ? i knew about this years ago mutt
if you breed a white mare with a black stallion, any subsequent offspring even if sired by completely white father will still contain some black colour which is dna left by the first black stallion which bred the mare
>>15491584 Lol at the virgin cope
No, the DNA of dudes that's CUMMED in the bitch stays, not just inserts. Jesus christ what are you gonna say next, a titty feels like a bag of sand?
>>15491678 Holy shit kill yourself you autistic retard
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>>15491584 >IT'S HAPPENING you faggots spamming this every thread title really diminishes the meaning of the phrase
>>15491682 >okay i'll bite lmao no one is forcing you retards to contribute to my threads, why are you acting like it's a bone you're throwing to a dog? there are plently of twitter bait threads awaiting your marvelous input, go there faggot
>what is your hypothesis it's simply
man shoots DNA into womans pussy -> that DNA gets absorbed by woman -> any future children will carry that mans DNA
>>15491685 >virgin cope how is this a cope? arent you the one coping with the fact your girl has slept with other guys? lmao your girl has literally had another mans dick in her vagina, lmao
>>15491686 the roastie breaks down and starts insulting as always. amusing to witness
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>>15491678 Its your friends fault for cum dumping in a cum dumpster
>>15491584 >by: Sandhya Shrivastava,1 Rupali Naik,2 Hema Suryawanshi,3 and Neha Gupta4 Yes Sirs, very nice theroy sirs, all woman WHORES sirs why won't they sex us SIRS??
>>15491678 >they did study x, so why didn't they do study y when it has literally zero relevance to it? 1. You're fucking retarded.
2. "reddit spacing" is older than reddit, even fucking moot did it. You're probably just a dumbfuck election tourist who's never heard of him though.
3. Not everyone calling your point of view as retarded is automatically a cum dumpster defender
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>>15491690 because shitskins are the only ones who aren't afraid of doing studies against the grain unlike white cucks who would slaughter their entire family if it meant being called a homie by a nigger
>>15491691 cope, your children will always have another mans DNA inside of them and you know this deep down
>>15491644 > it's quite simply. male DNA enters woman -> some of that DNA stays and is assimilated Fuck dude, this is not simple. What you are talking about is removing all accessory proteins, cutting DNA, holding it stable. moving a polar and incredibly massive molecule through two non polar membranes. then trigger the female DNA to be cut, somehow grab the male DNA and integrate it in a genome?
You are a troll
>>15491683 >he actually believes his mother was a good girl Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh my god hahahahahahahahahahahah. You cannot say “all women are whores” but your exception is “but not my mommy :)”
Have you ever actually asked? Do you even know who your mom is aside from her being your mom? Chances are you’re in your twenties/thirties, and your mother was prime age during the sexual Revolution. Most women were used like muppets during much of the 70s and 80s. There was more jizz ejaculated freely and being vaginally deposited than any other time in human history and I can assure you, your mom was a recipient of plenty.
>>15491678 He's got a point
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:24:13 No. 15491696 Report >>15491663 >review of the evidence suggests that LNG [levonorgestreol] ECPs cannot prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. Language on implantation should not be included in LNG ECP product labeling."[22][23] In November 2013, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved a change to the label saying it cannot prevent implantation of a fertilized egg.[24] So does this mean Plan B doesn't work if the egg is fertilized (the only occasion where a child is produced)? Then what is the point, kek.
>>15491693 >if i use big words that means i win got me there, uhh lexicon hypothesis parallels photosynthesis
>>15491694 never said all women are whores you mindbroken slobbering white knight. like i said, i didn't make this thread on behalf of girls but on behalf of guys, i can't in my good conscience allow any of my frens to have children with a roastie without knowing possible consequences
>>15491695 which is?
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:25:16 No. 15491698 Report Quoted By:
>>15491658 MtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) always comes from the mother...
>>15491688 "Your girl has literally had another man's dick in her vagina!!"
ah, I get it, 8th graders are taking over.
Well, you get get out your energy until you fall asleep. Have a good summer.
>>15491697 >if i use big words that means i win no that's not how this works dude, explain how sperm DNA breaks into a woman's bloodstream and breaks the DNA chain and self-inserts itself?
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>>15491699 repugnant spacing, that made my eyes bleed kekarooo
>>15491700 it's assimilated naturally you retard
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>>15491696 I explained this already, look up ovulation and you will understand.
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>>15491667 I 100% agree OP is a dirty kike well poisoner
He doesnt even have a theoretical mechanism and it doesnt appear he has the knowhow to describe one anyway
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>>15491699 Do you not have a problem with another man ravaging your grill, probably in ways she'd never allow you to do yourself. Or maybe she would, if she's trash. Personally, I love my girl, but I feel like I'd love her more if she was just a corpse in my basement.
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>>15491584 unless your wife is a virgin/widow, you're a cuck so just get over this fact
>Females PERMANENTLY carry the DNA of all of their past partners. Yes, you heard that right BITCH. It's called "microchimerism," you know new eggs arent created every month right? women born with a predetermined set of eggs and each month one will develop and then be released for fertilization so no your babies genes will not be afected by all the niggers your wife used to fuck, well unless she still does
>every study done on this subject is underfunded, made to fail, and heavily biased >if i dont agree with the results they are biased happens sometime, true but i doubt this is one of them THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:27:52 No. 15491706 Report Quoted By:
>>15491670 I'm not defending any roasties you absolute kike bastard. If they have abortions or maybe even birth control they can have the unborn child's DNA. Why do you have to make up shit? You are exposed you dirty kike wretch.
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>>15491618 >how babies are made? How is babby formed?
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>>15491584 So my retard EX will get smart children thanks to me..
I'm fine with that.
Wait'll OP finds out women can have worms in their vagoos.
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>>15491697 Why are you so worried? Nobody here is ever going to get laid anyway
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>>15491584 This isn't new at all go lurk more newfag
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>>15491585 Allahu Ackbar khouya 3ziz
Kuffars are so dumb to not figure out how Islam is the only true religion.
Jews were right to call them goys kek
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>>15491600 Yes, I took the virginity of this girl and it was just a lil bloody
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>>15491584 it doesnt affect her eggs retard
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi]
THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews >>373780481, 1d for mentioning Sabbatai zevi] Thu 16 Jun 2022 17:31:16 No. 15491716 Report Quoted By:
>>15491678 How do you even propose they do that genius? How do they test someone's DNA? How do you expect to get cells in the middle of the body to be tested? Even if you did, PCR, the method used to blow DNA up to a readable size, will be producing the genome of most of the cells rather than tiny minorities.
You just dont get how this shit works. I guess you think she fucks a nigger and then every cell in the body becomes nigger? Dumbshit.
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>>15491688 Hey, troll
I said what is your mechanism, not your hypothesis. Do you even know how such a thing is possible?
>newfag just learned about microchimerism first day here?
human man
>>15491588 this. thanks nip. i've been interested since molyneux first brought it up. you have to come in the lady repeatedly over time. it modulates primarily epigenetically rather than chromosomally but ok. no evidence to suggest it's permanent- just like any other form of gene therapy. effects could be permanent, yes, but not "code shifting" if you know what i mean
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>>15491718 It sounds like you dont know what microchimerism is
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Why are people worried about this? If your partner was a virgin before you then why worry?
>>15491719 Epigenetic change would be a response to sperm itself, as a cell. Not DNA. You cannot read DNA through the cell.
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>>15491584 I popped my wife's cherry, which was also when I lost my virginity. This doesn't concern me, at all. Don't try to make a hoe in to a housewife, and don't expect a virtuous wife if your past was full of debauchery. Practice what you preach, I do. Not my problem.
human man
>>15491722 iirc, it's absorbed into the lining of the vulva when it's elongated through arousal
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>>15491683 You know what? Sure. I've got date tonight so I'll just have a tactical whoopsie so she and about 50 other women can bare my quasi children.
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what about vasectomy.. I wonder if that does still pass DNA from the seminal fluid
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>>15491584 this is why a virgin has such a premium...they knew about this since the dawn of time
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>>15491726 The galactic empire would be a much nicer place to live than whatever gay hellhole sorts has envisioned
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>>15491584 You did not read this or did not understand this article.
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>>15491584 I already knew this and I already planned to die a virgin anon.
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>>15491600 It means you got a needle dick...sorry bruh...
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>>15491584 What Utter POPPYCOCK BOLLOCKS !
top kek
like you can mix DNA
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>>15491590 >It doesn't matter how it occurs simply that it DOES indeed occur Great argument for banning guns.
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>>15491584 this redpill is years old
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>>15491709 Worms, is there anywhere they can't get?
>>15491584 sage
another jewish thread with 200 REPLIES
>>382608779 Anonymous
>>15491584 This is why it's so important to maintain abstinence and save oneself for marriage.
The fact that girls are getting railed by dozens of men before they "settle down" disturbs me..
I would bet the more DNA that is squirted into a girl the more fucked up the child is.. too many hands in the pie ya know?
A child is likely kept more "pure" if only one man mates with one female.
The degeneracy of our generation is disturbing and harmful to everyone.
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>>15491584 yeah, this is how nature ensures for genetic variation. this is literally the reason for the existence of the amerimutt meme and phenomenon.
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>>15491584 >Never been seen >It's HAPPENING sage
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>>15491741 I have three simple requirements for a potential wife:
>can cook basic meals >isn't deformed >isn't a whore/ex-whore I've accepted that I will die alone.
who settles for a roasties ?
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>>15491745 Supply and demand system anon. If you don't settle you wait for lightning in a bottle or die alone.
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>>15491745 Pretty much everyone since legal female virgins don't exist.
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>>15491584 OP is literally TRUST LE SCIENCE
please have sex dude you sound mentally unwell
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>>15491584 Bet it impedes evolution. It's a bad thing. We're all dysgenic to a greater or lesser degree because of Homo sapiens ancestors who did not behave in accord with evolutionary principles. It's why Jesus Christ told us to behave properly, otherwise we wind up dysgenic (i.e., "evil").
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>>15491584 I don't think it gets into the woman's eggs. Why would it? If it gets into the fetus, it would stay for a couple months maybe, then get worn out and replaced.
ie, I just don't see it becoming part of any /child's/ DNA, becoming permanent.
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Good News Every Body. The Electron Microscope is phony baloony molasses. Another words DNA doesn't exist. So you dont gotta worry about Sluts. You know this also disproves nuclear everything. The Periodic Table is BTFO.
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>>15491637 That's not how oral contraceptives work.
They are composed of ethylestradiol and progesterone, and trick the female body into staying in the luteal phase of their cycle, indefinitely.
The follicular phase of the cycle sets up the ovulation process, with folliculogenesis, via pituitary FSH and LH, which in turn facilitates estrogen surge, which in turn potentiates pituitary FSH further, which leads to ovulation, on day 14 or 15 of the cycle.
The luteal phase is after ovulation, which prepares the body for gestation. If gestation does not occur, the corpus luteum gets expunged, and the cycle repeats.
Women on the pill or IUD are stuck in the pre-pregnancy phase of their cycle forever. As soon as they stop taking synthetic estradiol:progesterone, they have menses and their luteal cycle finally completes, allowing them to ovulate roughly 27 days later.
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>>15491585 Bismillah we shall punish those kuffar whores.
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>>15491584 This really is just a test to see how scientifically illiterate /pol/ is. It's the equivalent of an order of operations math question.
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>>15491584 This has been known on /pol/ for over a decade. Lurk moar newfag
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>>15491591 >If you coom in a woman and she later has a child with another man, how much of that child would you say is yours? depends on how many men she slept with. modern whores you'd probably be responsible for less than 1%.
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>>15491584 >BREAKING NEWS We know this shit for a long time
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>>15491746 now this is the actual proof that retarded anon should've pulled out to prove his point rather than sperg about telegony
>>15491584 There's literally zero impact because the cells are absorbed by the body, they do not contribute genetically to the child, the childs genes are still 50% yours and 50% your partners.
If this bothers you then I have bad news because your body absorbs all kinds of shit in day to day life, viruses, dna from plants and animals you consume, you breathe and absorb all sorts of micro particles.
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>>15491584 Asshole. It doesn't say anything like what you're claiming. Fuck off.
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>>15491584 lmao virgins only
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>>15491584 how is this a reliable source and why can't the retard NIGGERS on this website read?
Microchimerism is when the fetus of the mother essentially leeches cells into her system which may be the cause of auto-immune diseases or may not even occur in all cases of pregnancy.
So if she hasn't been pregnant then no. They don't
>carry the DNA of all of their past partners This is what happens when the 80 IQ try to understand science.
>>15491724 >source: I made it up Imagine six people in lab coats surrounding a couple fucking and one holds out cotton swab and asks "Ma'am you seemed to have reached peak arousal, may we swab your vulva now?"
Fucking farside comic tier ffs.
>>15491588 Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse. Male microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories. Further studies are needed to determine specific origins of male microchimerism in women.
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>>15491761 This ..
SAGE now ffs
>>15491768 >transferred via older brother through maternal circulation sounds much more likely
>transferred via sexual intercourse and the evidence for this is???
None of these links say what OP thinks they say.
>>15491765 They did a study with fruit flies. They used a birth control for flies and mated normal bitch flies with large chad and tyrone flies. Then beta flies impregnated them and giant chad and tyrone flies were born
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>>15491610 Nobody likes a histrionic retard, OP. Calm down.
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>>15491770 Just sex has been proven in fruit flies so theres no legitimate reason to choose any of the potential reasons given in the abstract over the others.
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>>15491618 Exactly it’s amazing how little some anons paid attention during sex ed
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>>15491625 >they don't *change* dna persay, they simply get absorbed and added to it. it is a very small percentage No lmao
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>>15491584 really coincidental but this number 4 mr shekelburg
>noooo don’t make white babies Anonymous
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>>15491584 It won't be a problem, for me at least, but hedonism comes with consequences.
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>>15491681 White women are used up sluts. None of them are virgin. You are the downgrade, roastie.
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>>15491585 >was Christian >converts to Islam >goes to hell Only women haters do that
>>15491589 >>15491591 >>15491594 >>15491595 >carries DNA >eww DNA disgusting >can't use feelings because facts don't care >muh I didn't use feelings What is stopping me from collecting DNA too?
>>15491597 Proof that it is common?
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>>15491584 >tfw cam into all my ex gfs on a regular basis D E V I L I S H
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>>15491666 Yes it is we carry all DNA. Virus without coating don't infect because cannot get into cell.
Try again. You won't cause you retarded.
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>>15491600 Too young maybe?
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>>15491771 Would you like to post a link to this study?
>>15491584 This is why marrying a woman who is not virgin is the most cucked thing you can do. I'll never touch a roastie with a bodycount above 2 even if that means remaining single my whole life.
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>>15491785 We should form gentlemen's clubs based on around finding chaste wives and playing cards and drinking whiskey.
Eventually the few good women would flock to us and we would have good lives.
>>15491600 Not necessarily. She can bleed for multiple reasons. Like infections, STDs, thin uterus walls and so on. If you look at medical studies, they all say that bleeding for women the first time is a myth.
>>15491584 This won’t stop women from being promiscuous but it will make them even more so, they’ll want has much chad cum as possible so that the chad traits get passed down the their child when they have to settle for a beta
>>15491787 yeah and women can lie and do lie
every ex I had was a "virgin"
I really doubt that
and I had gfs of all ages, ranging from 19 to 27. All "virgins". Now when I meet a woman I roll my eyes when they hit me with that nauseatingly awkward and stupid "hihihi be gentle pwease" crap. Imagine how stupid you have to be as a man to think that's cute or interesting
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>>15491590 It also occurs in patients that have organ transplants or blood transfusions. Any outside dna effects your body.
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>>15491788 then don't be the beta. Nobody forces you to provide. If you can't find a woman that deserves that, then who cares.
>>15491782 Yes.
When women that have never been pregnant are found to carry sex-determination chromosomal DNA that they axiomatically cannot produce themselves, it's obvious that is previous partners' gametes that a)remain in the endometrium, b)enter the bloodstream, and can be found even in the brain.
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>>15491792 its over
dumping gf
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>>15491719 I cummed in both my 5 yr relationship exgf at least 1000 times each
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>>15491610 wow, stupid AND unhinged
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>>15491602 God I wish it was me
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>>15491584 soon stuck up bitches will claim anal affects their gut flora which in turn affects the health of their pregnancy.
meanwhile the health of sperm continues to fall.
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>>15491591 The governments gonna say you have to pay 30% of the child care payments because its got some of your dna. Or maybe an extra full payment. She deserves it. You should have know better than to NUT!
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>>15491789 I am actually really glad that me and my highschool love lost our virginity to each other. She bled and i didn't realize it. Went down on her and soon realized in the dimmed light that my hands look a little bit dark. Told her to wait a minute and went to the bathroom looked in the mirror and i looked like a fucking zombie. Nearly puked and was kind of weirded out. Still nice when you think something like this is absolutely rare nowadays. We were together from 16 - 20 and she then transformed into a massive whore. Thanks to her cuck father that left her when she was 2 and thanks to her mother for having different guys every half year. Leaving her at home alone when she was 14 to go away for 2 weeks to get dicked down. I hate her whore mother for that. My ex had literally nobody as family except her mother and she was a slut that cared more about her work than anything. Well, shit happens. I really can't blame her that she turned out like that she never really learned the right way. I tried my best to not let her develope into that but her whore friends only contributed to it. Such a sweet and beautiful girl. All this is gone.
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>>15491639 Source of information revealed by digits
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>>15491584 complete and utter horse shit.
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>>15491600 Did you feel the hymen?
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>>15491609 Sorry bro. My wife had a miscarriage after 6 weeks too.
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>>15491584 i heard about this years ago
some old lady was linking it basically saying HEY GALS DON'T GET TOO MUCH SPUNK IN YOUR TRUNK IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING
it doesn't affect offspring though retard
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>>15491584 Nice, Switzerland will florish. Imagine how many kids in the next generation will carry my DNA ههههه
I just come here to laugh about the Burgers. They should improve your education system, I feel sorry for you.
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>>15491584 >Females PERMANENTLY carry the DNA of all of their past partners How many years now has this BS circulated on 4chan?
Fuck roasties but it's cells from the zygote that migrate to the mother and live there a happy life of a human cell.