I used to be an imgurfag before I moved here.
I had heard of 4chan and its set of "colorful" people all the way back in 2011, people would constantly post screencaps of green texts and recycle 4chan memes left and right. Didn't help that Reddit was doing the same thing that Imgur was doing and posting double the amount of le 4chinz maymay text. In late 2014, after seeing the millionth 4chan greentext post, I said fuck it and decided to go to the site to see what everyone was jerking on about.
I was surprised to see that there were different rules and topics dedicated to each board, and I was very glad that my assumption that every board on this website would be nothing but /b/-tard bullshit. Due to my three main interests being comics and cartoons and politics, I made /co/ my homeboard and /o/ and /pol/ as my two other boards to kill time in.
I eventually moved out of /pol/ during the Trump faggotry and into /vg/ for /gtag/ due to the PC release of GTA V.