>>15642965chens and gags no human, no europeoids ni aryan race
they are rape baby from whore and steal kidneping wife
they Semites = arabe gibrid = turk = who 300 year atack Russia= whitewash themself sex with whore and rape
caucasoid is an outdated term that only illiterate Americans use, in Europe caucasoid meant white, but after the entire Caucasus was subjected to the Genocide and Occupation of the Ottoman Empire by Arabs = and all white men were killed and women were raped = the Aryan Nordic Race ceased to exist in the Caucasus and European scientists gave a more correct name for whites = Europeoid, so white people in the Caucasus were genetically exterminated by the Turks and ceased to exist. The last white genocide was quite recently in 1980, when migrants occupied Chechnya and slaughtered the entire white population, only in 1 city of Grozny (built by Russians to protect against Muslims) there were 450,000 white native Russians = Cossacks, by 1990 = 200,000 whites were refugees, and 250,000 whites were killed by Muslims or went missing. And no one records this genocide in any Wikipedia, but on the contrary, allegedly indigenous migrants, the city of Grozny and the houses were not built by Russians, but by Allah for the Semites = hybrids of Turks = Chechens = who, throughout the history of the 300-year Russian-Turkish wars, stole wives and children from Russians sitting in the mountains and engaging in robbery and genocide