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Living the dream boyos

ID:wD7lGCTI No.15658384 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me
>Be bisexual foot fag
>Got job at local athletics footwear store at 16 to indulge
>Local college nearby
>Athletes both boys and girls always come in to try on and buy new footwear every season
>Always happy to help out
>Always work a little too hard for the cutest boys and girls, personally touching their feet and asking to show them so I can measure them

>Manager wants to see me one day
>Aw fuck ive been found out
>Says I always get compliments on how enthusiastic and helpful I am from customers
>Got employee of the month after only three months of working there
>Heh, life is good I guess

>Be me
>12 years later
>Turn into store manager
>Paid 75k/year
>Not bad but I live in the midwest, so I live like a king off it
>Still on the sales floor instead of office because feet
>Used as an example throughout company as what a model and dedicated worker looks like

>Summer is here
>New batch of athletes come in all sweaty looking for new footwear
>I personally attend to EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM
>Jesus Christ life is good

Dont work a job you hate friends, life is short, find your passion AND RIDE THAT SHIT TILL THE DAY YOU DIE

I wake up every day getting paid to do what I love, I go to sleep every night excited as fuck to go back to the store the next day. I never take sick days or call off, literally there from opening to closing. I have reached nirvana, I have hacked the system, I am happy, I am infinite, I AM GOD.