>>15713644Put yourself in a situation where every fucking day you have to fight to stay alive. Trouble is, once you're there, it's almost impossible to transition back to regular society.
I grew up in a nigger infested ghetto, been in innumerable fist fights, several knife fights, even a few fun fights. I worked hard to get out of poverty, bought a nice house on a lot of land in the country, was arrested two months ago because I was at a "community get together", some effete faggot was being a snooty prick the whole time to me, and instead of just taking it like everyone else there, I beat him until he pissed himself. Literally kept hitting him, and anyone who tried to stop me, until he pissed his pants. Where I grew up, what he was doing would be called "trying", and if you let someone "try you" without violent repercussions, it was a signal to the whole hood that you were weak and easy prey. In polite society, it's just called being a prick and I guess you're supposed to ignore it or out talk the prick. Never been good at talking but you don't survive around niggers if you can't fight.
Got it pled down to misdemeanor assault and I have to pee in a cup once a month for the next year. Had to pay the faggots medical bills for a broken nose and jaw, too.