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List of things prohibited or disliked in Islam.

No.15737654 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You already know about pork and alcohol but did you know the follow things are also either prohibited by the sharia or hated by Muslims and you should avoid doing them. (I also didn't include the other obvious ones like Zionism, Usury, LGBT, etc)

>Football (this is not a prohibition but recommended to not cheer on a team/get too involved in cheering kaffirs)
>Refusal to learn any Arabic
>Praying in any language besides Arabic
>Dog ownership
>Drawing of images
>Cursing of Sahaba (anyone who does this is a kaffir)
>Cursing of Mua'wiya (anyone who does this is a kaffir)
>Not taking a neutral stance on Yazeed
>Associating with Christians and Jews,although eating their meat is allowed
>Taking a Christian or Jew as a friend
>Tattoos and piercings
>Associating with Shias
>Eating meat of Shias
>Praying behind Shias
>Taking of Shias as friends
>Supporting Iran
>Praising Khomeini
>Supporting Hoothis
>Dislike of Saudi Arabia
>Dislike of UAE
>Criticism of Muslim governments and rulers
>Rebelling against governments and rulers
>Wearing of shorts above the knee
>Wearing of pants above ankles
>Skin fade and short back and side haircuts
>Shaving of beard
>Wearing of logos on clothes such as Nike, Adidas, etc
>McDonalds and KFC
>Yawning and failing to repress the yawn
>Not licking your fingers after eating
>Listening to Music
>Watching movies
>Going to the theatre
>Protesting against Muslim governments
>Using of anti-pain medication/asprin for pain rather than reciting Al-Fatiha
>Praying without Wudu
>Taking knowledge from non-Muslims
>Studying Philosophy and using it in debates with atheists
>Allowing your wife to open the front door of your home
>Allowing your wife to interact with non-Mahram men
>Freemixing of men and women
>Criticism of scholars like Albani and Bin Baz

The proof i am using is any AbdulRahman Hassan or Dawah Man or Shamsi video.

You're welcome.