>>15744759Get a better job by learning a skill. IT work only requires certificates and they only cost a couple hundred bucks to take the tests. Take em and get a new job using your current one to fund it.
Cars are for sale all the time. Buy one off of someone and workout a payment plan with them. Offer them presigned checks that are dated when you get paid. You'll get a much better deal than going through a dealer.
Cost of living will be offset once you get a real job instead of working the dead end shit you're doing now. Don't be afraid to live in a studio apartment in a bad neighborhood to get your racks up. Shitty drug den on the outside but posh on the inside.
>get a gf>gfHow about no? They're just a drain on resources, time and your emotions that doesn't pay off 9/10 of the time. Focus on yourself and do whatever you want to do then women will come to you. I went to a concert by myself because none of my friends share my music tastes and I spent the whole thing turning up with 3 hotties who would've taken me home if I gave them the chance. Why? Because I was confident and secure in myself enough to turn up by myself. You're not showing any confidence with this post and that mentality will effect you when you're talking to girls. Stop with the desperation and just let it happen naturally.
>myaaaaa but I don't want to wait until I'm 60 to make changesThen don't. Do it now. In a year you could be A+ and Net+ certified and start making 60k/yr. to fund your own future.
The future is now old man!