[85 / 12 / 41]
I am an African-American immigrant, from Swahililand, like Eddie Murphy, from that movie, and, it took me a long, and, grueling effort, in order, to learn, where to properly place my comma's, in my state-funded, ESL police-officer, 'Model Minority ®' training course. Yet, I go to 7-11, or read state briefings, on international affairs, and, nobody seems, to know, where to properly place a comma. Is this an, exclusively, American phenomenon. Here, in Swahililand, we use special symbols, to represent our clicking noises, so we don't need them, but, what's your excuse? Is it an unspoken custom or something, else? Don't stone me, please, for asking. Is this the grammatical equivalent to the, 'New Math,' that I've heard, so much about, in America? Are we witnessing the permanemt vulgarization of the English language, at the hands of heathens, or, are white people, to blame? I defer to clicking noises, when people get angry, at me, for using them, online, but what is a white person to do, in a situation, like that? Sometimes, I even refrain, from using proper punctuation, because I feel bad, for whitey, and his lack of education, or fear violence, from his part. If, you could shed light, on the matter, then, I would be very grateful, to you. I have the Jews, to thank, for teaching me grammar, by the way. Are they the bulwarks, and guardians, of your civilization's accomplishments, like the Christian monks were, during the dark ages? I sometimes wonder, if Obama (PBUH), even, knew how to, properly, punctuate his written phrases, during his Presidency. Help me, /pol/, I want to be, like you.
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Works on contingency? No, money down!
Bumping, for answers. I spotted some mistakes, and omissions, in my grammar, upon a second reading. Please, be merciful, upon me /pol/. I am, only, human.
>>15747364 when, you, are, a, native, you, just, don't, have, to, give, a, shit
>>15747368 So, being a native makes it, okay, to make grammatical errors? Can we apply the same logic to civil engineering, as well? Like, London Bridge, for instance? What, if natives misplaced a few zeroes, in drafting, before its construction. Would a native brisge, still, stand?
>>15747364 americans hate commas and long words and love run on sentences and emojis so just get down from your high african nigger horse and get down to our strip mall nigger level and try to only use simple words like a child would do and don't worry about ending your word strings and just keep on saying things and make sure you let your voice go up once you are done talking?
>>15747367 here on pol and 4chan in general grammatically correct sentence structure and speeling is all that counts. full punctuation and grammar is frowned upon; we use capitalization and full punctuation to spot phonefags, redditfags and other outsiders
>>15747370 Okay, so why don't you abolish puncuation, formally, then? It is pretty embr, when, even, the highest echelons of your country can't, into grammar, don't you think? Why, not, just, get rid of comma's, entirely? Why, the need to do everything half-arsed? I thought, you believed in, "Give me liberty(,)or(,) give me death". In other words, all or nothing. What gives?
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>>15747371 Okay, but, what about the rest of the world. What's Oxbridge's excuse? I thought you country's school system beat people, for school failings, what changed? It, almost, feels politically incorrect, to properly punctuate your sentences. Isn't that what this site is all, about? No?
>>15747372 but then we would look like phonefags using auto-grammar. only animals use their phone to browse the interwebs
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>>15747364 Puncuation is for everyone. Thankyou for noticing, I will pass this on to the rest of the White people.
>>15747374 This autogrammar , includes comma's? I am using a Kindle Fire (America gives them, for free to immigrants), and, this is news, to me.
You are using way too many commas my dude.
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>>15747364 op be like
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>>15747364 You are using way too much commas,trolling negro
>>15747377 How, can I stop? I can'r unlearn something, like that, unless I went, back, to school. Does it make you uncomfortable?
>>15747367 >Oy vey, why can't whites use punctuation properly? >Oy vey, forgive my mistakes in punctuation. I am only human Nigger logic
>>15747380 it's cool, bro, keep punctuating, on these low-IQ, plebians.
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>>15747382 Thanks, friend. The pressure is great, once you get rolling. It's, almost, like doing a wheelie, on a bike, or a Tony Hawk Pro Skater Combo, one omission, and, you lose.
>>15747364 They're writing in the same manner that people speak; generally more stream-of-conscious than strictly adhering to the rules of grammar.
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>>15747367 too many commas, NIGGER
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>>15747364 I suggest suicide as the answer.
>>15747364 >>15747376 This is amazing bait
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>>15747364 I love your use of commas lol
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Check this info out
on niggers
>>>/b/882190156 Anonymous
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>>15747364 This blog is garbage
>>15747367 >forgive me, I am only human I am in Germany and I am not allowed to express my idea on the subject, but I believe It Is self evident.
The mark of an intelligent person is the use of semicolons. Truly it is the mark of the ubermensch; negroes need not apply.
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>>15747392 Thank you, master.
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>>15747393 Thank you; master.
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This is gearing, up, to be another, run-of-the-mill nigger hate thread. Should the government introduce a punctuation stimulus software package, as a new update, for Fire users, who wish, to learn grammar? It seems unfair, to me that you will lose this precious facet of your culture, to appease a bunch of Stormfront honkeys. R.S.V.P.H. (the, 'h' stands, for 'honkey').
>>15747364 >Don't stone me, please, for asking. Please, don't stone me for asking.
>it took me a long, and, grueling effort, in order, Order is not a verb, you're using it as a word to explain what was required.
"It took me a long and grueling effort in order to"
None of that required a comma.
I feel like you could really shine up this shit post to make it amazing if you put in a little more effort. I skimmed most of the post but if you want to piss off and confuse dumb Americans you need to replace some of your commas with semi-colons.
As a pedantic asshole I rate this bait a 7.5/10. Very good work.
That reminds me, why do white people honk their horms, so much? Here, in Africa, a very lean, jets black man, with Ebola comes and hits you, with a machete, if you honk your horn, at him, while shouting, "UFUNGUWA, UFUNGUWA, NATO!" I have not witnessed this, in your country, but, everyone, here, honks their own horns. It is, very, strange, I say.
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>>15747398 >>15747397 See, this is what I mean.
>>15747397 Thank you; master.
>>15747400 He was alluding to you being subhuman.
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>>15747387 The Kindle isn't free, you have to sell yourself, informally, into slavery, in order to attain one. You can get an Apple watch, if you suck dick, for crack, at customs, too.
>>15747364 I read this with the voice of Morgan Freeman just after running a half marathon.
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>>15747401 >He was alluding to you being subhuman I think you mean, "your being a subhuman," it is a gerund, Stormfriend.
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>>15747403 I am Eddie Murphy.
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>>15747364 >Why can't whites into puncuation? OP is ESL
>>15747364 you use far too many commas; it comes across as stilted and jittery:
>I defer to clicking noises, when people get angry, at me, for using them, online, but what is a white person to do, in a situation, like that? is a good attempt, but a little bizarre and robotic to be sincere with you - you ought to use them as such:
>I defer to clicking noises when people get angry at me for using them online, but what is a white person to do in a situation like that? as you can see, that still comes across somewhat clumsily, so you could more fluently (and more comfortably for the reader) write it as such:
>when people get angry at me online for using them, I defer to clicking noises, but what do white people do in that situation? Anonymous
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>>15747397 I added it, on purpose, to make whitey feel, better, about, himself. See, it worked.
>>15747407 Thank you, for correcting my grammar. I, truly, call you, "master". Forgive me, master.
>>15747410 don't you mean:
>What, the fuck, is wrong with, you, freaks? ?
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>>15747364 Your not using them correctly . Way too many commas , nigger.
>>15747413 You're wrong. It is, "What, the fuck is wrong, with you, freaks? Sorry, whitey, you've lost the right, to your own language, we are taking it, back.
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>>15747364 They’re emulating nigger culture.
>>15747369 Every one of these commas you have are misused. You don't understand how they work . It's not a tool used to momic speech patterns dumb fuck
>>15747364 >comma's >comma's >comma's Keep working.
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>>15747417 No, the police taught me, how to use them, you're wrong, honkey. Why, are you, so angry?
>>15747415 actually the comma after 'fuck' is a textbook example of the lesser known 'Cambridge comma', which is an historic grammatical device designed to soften expletives uttered in the presence of the upper class
>fuck, you is demonstrably warmer, and far more polite than the usual
>fuck you Anonymous
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>>15747415 You, fucking idiot, forgot: the: dots, before
:fuck is, wrong. you: nigger
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>>15747418 Is that one of those Thai, "ladyboys" that Americans are, so crazy, about?
>>15747369 >Can we apply the same logic to civil engineering, as well? Sure, what's the, difference?
>>15747420 Master, thank you, for shedding light, on the matter. I, truly, think you've earned Her Majesty'S, formally, designated title of, "Court Honkey". Congratulations.
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>>15747367 >I am, only, human. Barely.
>>15747423 That is, comma's are, like numbers. If, you omit a few, then, the whole bridge collapses. It happened, in my village as a matter of fact, when Americans came, and destroyed it, for uranium deposits.
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>>15747364 >allow me to correct your grammar HAHAHAHAUAHAHHAUAHAHAA
>>15747426 >comma's are, like numbers. If, you omit a few, then, the whole bridge collapses Is, that true?
>>15747429 Yes; it is; master. Forgive me.
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Africa is, taking America, literally, "Back, to School". Forgive me; master.
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>>15747364 >how, do, you, do, fellow, niggers Anonymous
>>15747426 sotrue,,dont ever STOP!,
,,,,,,,,also,i own the copywrite for commas,,pays better then"CarlsJunior",,,,,really underused,the,,comma.
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As, a case study, many of these posters, are not guilty of carelessness, to be fair, their teachers, probably, knew fuck-all, about grammar, too. It is the white man's duty, to barely pass through school, and, inevitably, drop out, and buy a fake degree, and, then, be bitterly, insecure, about it, for years, to come. If, you need proof, then, look no, further, than this thread. The white, American education system is, totally, broken and not, just, for blacks. So, sorry; master.
>>15747364 >endless comma splicing Anonymous
>>15747371 capitalization is the dumbest fucking shit in all of the english language. there is no point where it provides any extra information that can't be inferred from context. we know this because there's no phonetic component to it: when you're talking to someone it's perfectly clear when you're using a proper noun and when you aren't.
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>>15747435 Are, you feeling; upset? Forgive me, master.
>>15747438 Ancient Greeks thought spaces were stupid, and early Latin speaking people apparently thought punctuation (and possibly capitalization) was also stupid. There are languages without capitals though. On the other hand there's German, that capitalizes all nouns for some reason.
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>>15747440 Latin capitalization is a medieval phenomenon, honkey. Know your history.
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>>15747437 Comma ; splicing, was debunked in the Nineteen'Sixties, anon.
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Is grammatical competence relative, to the size of your peniis? Is that, what, this is all, about? I am sorry, master; forgive me.
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>>15747440 in a sense, i can see how someone would come to the conclusion that spaces are stupid, but their utility is hard to deny. the utility of capitals is non-existent. the distinction only came about in the middle ages and vary wildly between languages and times:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalization#Adjectives . it introduces a fuckload of bloated rules and obnoxious edge-cases into the written language that don't exist in the spoken form. literally retarded.
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i have to teach english including grammar for american SATs english is retarded, and comma usage is the most retarded part if someone puts a comma before the word "and" it could be correct or incorrect depending on factors such as what field of study they're writing for
>>15747364 You can't spam commas throughout an entire paragraph and expect the whole thing to function as a correct conjoined sentence you fucking nigger. Stop bastardising my language you dragon eating cunt, go crawl back into your dirty dank little hole. What the fuck even is a Swahili anyway; is it some sort of reptile?
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Post the gramatical errors I placed in my rant. Go ahead I bet you can't even spot the most obvious one I placed.
Look, here, *click click*, spot errros, understand, yes? *pop-pop*