I went to Africa, won 2 rounds of lazertag, built the foundations of someones house who had lived in a shanty town for most of their life and was physically touched and interactived with in hopes that my "unique and opposite gentic characteristics" would result in some kind of net gain in luck. Also at red popsicles in an HIV/AIDS heavy part of town with zero fucks.
Gave me some perspective of how Black people live in White communities, imagine imagininig that everyone is judging you based on how you are different and having the local Whites flock to you (or try to own you) like some kind of God mongst homogenous people without having your momma and poppa telling you that there is some bullshit perspective you should have on all this behaivour and not have it go to your head.
Not even Africans want African-Americans in their homeland. Be a nignog in an African community? Get the tire around your neck, your farmland reposessed, or just a general mobbing of some kind.
Thank you for reading my blog.