>became so popular it had developed its own culture
>had more laxed moderation so they'd break the rules on /qa/ more often
>was (and still is for some reason) hostile towards /qa/, which brought turmoil within the community
>had a couple of incidents where it was brought to the attention to the rest of 4chan (new captcha being the biggest offender)
>natives flipped the script on newfags which made them more welcome which resulted in:
>newcomers didn't want to lurkmoar, made low quality memes
>newcomers took the racebait memes to heart (i.e. newfags wanted /qa/ to be /pol/2: soijak boogaloo)
>raids were more frequent than ever
in retrospect, if the sharty never happened and we told the captchaniggers to fuck off, /qa/ would still be around