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ID:8frOHPI9 No.15786183 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
At first I thought that aryan chad was prop joe, and that madokanon is marlo stanfield. But the reality is that aryan chad is avon barksdale, and I am cheese. I also have marlos blind ambition but I am still a part of his organization, "cult" rather. What cheese didn't understand that by killing his prop joe, he lost alot of his power and protection even though he gained more power in rank behind marlo. He ended up paying the price for it. If he understood that he had more to gain by keeping his uncle alive he wouldve made it to the end of the series. In the same light, aryan chad copies me and makes memes I create a part of /bant/ culture. There is no guarantee I would have more, or even the same influence if aryan chad is out of the picture. For now I will ride with aryan chad until it suits me otherwise. I need to be slim charles. Ok with serving an advisory role but silll having power in the organization.