>>15818592Imagine being so retarded that you cannot put a picture of "white Jesus" in chronological and historical context.
>be me.>be living in the ~1500.>be told about some badass named Jesus from 1500 years ago.>be trying to count 1500 on my fingers, keep getting to 10 and have to start over again.>be learning about people around Jesus and how horrible people can be.See myself in this Jesus character.
>be interested in drawing this character from >1500 years ago even though I can't even count to 1500.>have only ever seen homogenous townfolk, concepts of "black" not even in my imagination.>paint my "Jesus™ epic painting".500 years pass.
>"JESUS WAS A BLACK KING, THIS PICTURE IS RACIST AN WHITE PEPO SHOULD BE OUR SLAVES".>Lol from heaven.Absolute state of things, if you can't put it in context and are using something for personal gain (and won't stop that position), kindly line up against the wall.