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ID:BFSiY8Qa No.15844688 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're Greta Thunberg, daughter of an alcoholic mother and brainwashed by the globalists. You've been groomed to hate carbon dioxide. You're on a mission to save the world. Or, at least, the world your (((tribe))) lives in.
Your (((tribe))) is, for the moment, in Sweden. You live in a remote house on a small island in the Baltic Sea. Your only company is a neighbor, an old man who plays a flute for hours in his yard. He never speaks to you.
One night, you're woken by a pounding on the door. You hear your mother's voice. "Open the door, Greta! I have a surprise for you!"
You creep to your door, in your bare feet. Your mother has a pleasant smile on her face. You know something is wrong.
"Open the door, sweetie!" she says.
You push the door open and peer out. Your mother and a man stand in the doorway. The man is tall and gaunt, with wild, unkempt hair and a long, crooked nose. You gasp. This is the man you've heard playing music on the island. It's him! And your mother... she's the woman you saw with him at the town square.
"Greta! This is Olaf. Olaf, this is Greta. We're going to be friends, okay?" Your mother winks at you. You step back, into the dark hallway.

"Mom, what's going on?" you whisper.
"Don't worry about it, sweetie. We're just getting to know each other."
You feel dizzy. The world seems to be spinning.
You feel like you're going to vomit.
"Mom!" you say, louder this time.
Your mother glances over her shoulder. The man in the doorway smiles, revealing a collection of rotten teeth. He raises his hand to give her a high five, but she shoves him backwards, sending him sprawling to the ground.
"What's going on, Greta?" your mother says.
Her voice is cold and hard. She crosses her arms.
You feel anger well up in you. You can't take this. Not now. Not after everything you've been through.