>>15886366The only thing 4chan would benefit from is all slice of life tr/a/nny dogwhistle anime girl worship gets straight up banned outside of a /c/ and only /c/ only (and I guess /vt/ or relevant specific porn boards), as far as anyone should be concerned, /c/ should stand for /c/ontainment.
Everywhere else including /a/ will now allow and encourage 4chan culture that is not coomer posting tranny lustful image bait, tranny cute girl circle jerk, leftist tranny nonsense in general.
The entire moderation team, will be wiped clean and replaced with people who have been spamming and posting at least 100 to 1000 troonjaks in response to troon behavior on this website.
Any attempt at shitting up a board tranny grooming, orbiting, slice of life troon shit, or anything of that nature, will lead to permanent bans, aswell as off-site doxxing and harassment that the current gemmy moderation team will pretend not to partake in, in order to discourage future coal infestations like the one we currently have on a sitewide basis.
Various other containment boards and current boards should be created and cleaned up aswell, such as /incel/ for internet celebrities, /r9k/ should actually be moderated properly to be a healthy space for young men instead of orbiting, grooming, etc, /smash/ for smash trannies and their various clone games that replace it not shitting up /v/, and on /a/ itself, only 5 containment threads will be allowed for any slice of life anime girl worship, period every other thread must be non-tranny manga and anime discussion, and even in the slice of life threads, they will be heavily monitored for coal tier behavior.
Hiroyuki might aswell make me the owner of the website since I know exactly what i'm doing.