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ID:hWr9sw+B No.15896276 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are old people like vampires? Some times I feel like living with old folks make you desire to do things go to zero. I'm not that new but right now I need to live in my mother's home, I'm okay with her, but the problem is that my grandpa is here since january and his presence suck all the life of the place. I kept doing exercises improving myself for 6 months without stopping one day, when he came his needs and presence were so soul draining that I have no mental energy to do a things since he came here. I don't hate him, the house is his, he doesn't treat me badly, but the old man doesn't even throw his trash in the trash can, he turned my room into a mess, maybe i'm a piece of shit, but I feel like young people shouldn't live with people above 60th years old, you will end up just ired entirelly.