>>15900739Video games are the cheapest entertainment, one can get, that last a lot of time, even the most basic computers one can build from current parts, have decades worth of video game content avaible, that they can run, for free, if you torrent, and this is not counting free to play multiplayer freemiums, and new titles are continously coming out, should they ever upgrade. A modern person can game from cradle to grave, implying they have a home, and have electricity and internet, which most people have, even neet welfare leeches, and poorfags from the second world, and third world.
There is a reason why you have all the video games avaible for free, with dumbed down install options (like GoG), so players no longer even need to copy-paste cracks if they pirate, the reason is same as for porn. Video games are meant to satiate your basic aspirations, trick your mind into thinking you have achieved something, while keeping you busy and tired. Million times more time is wasted by players, than it took to make a game, game makers are waging warfare on their playerbase, to keep them away from self improvement, and actual learning. Even if you continously listen to podcasts or audio books while playing, you'll eventually find that you memorize less, than if you would have just listened to the stuff while walking, or have actually read the book, with the conveniences of being able to reread, and think about parts of the book, without being distracted, and forced playing, while you may not be able to pause or rewind due to task in game.
You learn trivial ingame lore, and maps instead of learning about your actual environment, if nothing else but practical things like your local map, avaible resources, topography, or learn something practical technical stuff. You waste your time learning fantasy, made up history, instead of learning actual one (as little as it is avaible by this point). Every part of the game are just a poor substitute activity instead of real things.