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For the last LAST goddamn time, nukes are a HOAX

No.15931314 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Drill it into you fear-porn addicted skulls. Do NOT fall for the jewish psyop any longer.

Shills and jews were absolutely seething last thread.

Nukes are a hoax: [Open]

American Nuclear Hoaxers
Allen Dulles - Freemason. Pilgrim Society
Isidor Rabi- Jew
Roosevelt - Freemason
Douglass McCarthur - Freemason
George Marshall - Freemason
George Purdy - Freemason
Julius Schaefer - Freemason
Truman - Freemason
Eugene Wigner - Jew
Emilio G. Segrè - jew
Otto R. Frisch - jew
Victor F. Weisskopf - jew
Einstein - Jew
Melvin Bierman - Jew
Jacob Beser - Jew
James Franck - Jew
Rudolf Pieriels - Jew
Klaus Fuchs - Jew
Joseph Rotblat - Jewl
Stanislaw Ulam - Jew
Chaim Richman - Jew
Bruno Rossi - Jew
Nora Rossi - Jew
George Gamow - Jew
Hans Bethe - Jew
Boris Podolsky - Jew (spy)
George Placzek - Jew
Jay Wechsler - jew
Richard P. Feynman - jew
Robert Serber - jew
Samuel Goudsmit - Jew
Stanley P. Frankel - jew
Isadore Perlman - jew
Alvin M. Weinberg- jew
Abe Spitzer - jew
George Cohen - jew
David Bohm- jew
Phillip Morrison - jew
Frank Oppenheimer - jew
Aaron Novick - jew
Arnold Kramish - jew
Arthur Levy - jew
Maurice Shapiro - Jew (likely freemason)
Paul Olum - jew
Theodore Van Kirk - Freemason
Szilard - Jew
Oppenheimer - Jew
Lise Meitner - Jew
Fritz Reiche - Jew
fritz houtermans - Jew
Victor Weisskopf - Jew
Baruch - Jew
Stimson - Skull and Bones
Harriman - Skull and Bones
Vannevar Bush - Freemason
Thomas Allibone - Freemason
Enrico Fermi - Freemason