Even caring about interracial couples is a PSYOP. You notice how everything was flooded with interracial cuck porn, including this forum, for years? The key to this is to realize that many people have been conditioned to react with hostility to the contrast of skin colors in the people. The problem is that there is usually a dude involved and the person conditioned to get off on contrast starts getting brainwashed by cuck bullshit or racism. The first step is to switch to lesbian porn 100% and indulge in interracial lesbians. No strap ons, nothing phallic, no dominance or submission aspects either. Just two women giving each other orgasms and mutually pleasuring each other. Find a really dark black chick and a really pale blonde chick. Eventually, ease back into brown women with white women and brown with asian and so forth. Get to the point where there are no men involved in your porn usage and then get rid of the contrast thing until you are only looking at naked females. Wean down to just a solo female of any race and then softcore and eventually just stop fapping to anything but imagination or memories. The first step to defeating the Jewish cuck racism agenda is to switch to lesbians. Lesbian porn is the first step backwards to normalcy and NoFap proper. It is Gestalt psychology weaponized against you here. The arousal mechanism becomes based around the skin contrast and this brainstem function gets filtered towards cuck shit or racism to cause divisions. Lesbian porn is the first step to escape it. Rewire your skin contast related automatic arousal conditioning to remove all men from the equation and then work backwards from there. Godspeed! Hello to my nosey neighbors btw. Tell your girlfriend to walk around the yard in booty shorts and sandals more often please.