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Quoted By: >>1597342
Frens in facig te futre an in stiving, ech acording to te mesure of his indieviual pacity, to wurk out the savation of ur land, we sould be nither timid pesimists nor folish optiists. We shld reconize the dangers tha exist an tha threaten us: we shd nither overstimate them nor srink from tem, but stedily froting them shod set to wrk to ovecome and beat them down. Grave periles are et to be encounted in the stomy corse of te FRENPULIC – perils from polical coruption, perils from individal lazines, indelence and timdity, perils spriging from te gred of te unscrupulous rich, and frum te anarchic violence of the thriftles and turbulant poor. Ther is every reson why we should reconize thm, but ther is no reson why we shuld fear thm or doubt our capcity to ovrcume thm, if only ech wil, acording to te mesure of his abilty, do his ful duty, and endevor so to live as to deseve the high prase of being cald a goood Fren citzen.