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femoid hate thread

ID:RgDYPMVo No.15963500 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
stories that make you fucking hate women?
I'll start:
>be me
>work for a big chink ITC company
>they have a big office here
>so many chinks
>99% of manageent is nepotism chinks
>they ask me to do something illegal in the books (it's so retarded you won't believe me if I tell you but it's still illegal)
>politely tell them to fuck off, I'm not risking my skin for that shit
>be noticed by """head of operations""", a 45 something roastie
>tells me how she wants to mentor me because I have potential
>whatever that means
>it just means she wanted to flirt with me in a pretty direct and disguisting manner
>be retard
>think how bad can it be to have le sugar momma
>continue talking
>uncomfortable flirting continues
>also learn about all the shady shit going on at the company
>also also learn how the fucking department was born
>ffw many many years ago
>cue in some old corporate rat type character
>this non chink was so good at his job he clawed his way into upper management
>in the chink nepotism dominated company
>creates the entire department from scratch
>enlists the then young roastie from her lowly accounting position
>says he needs someone he trusts to help build the department
>brings her in so he has someone to fix the books for him
>he frequently takes her on "business trips" where he fucks her brains out
>eventually he's too old, retires
>ffw to today, sloppy seconds is running the show
>thinks being obnoxious is a cool boss girl trait
>tells everyone new how she "built this department from scratch"
>is actually just a useful idiot sleazy roastie who got TOPPED
>has no issue telling me she doesn't do jack shit for work and spends her day watching shows at home because "they can work just fine without her"
>rags on and on about how I need to improve my "soft skills"
>wants me to go have wine with her
>I try to hide my disgust
thank fuck I'm on notice and leaving soon
what experiences do you have that make you hate women?