>>15963560Could be maximum autismomode but it's probably a sign of mental illness.
Every single time I have lived in a room that was messy, something was up. Every single household I have been invited to who has a house like this has had some form of mental illness (I grew up in a household that wasn't "trash covered" but "cluttered" and it had a negative effect on my mental health. Ultimately it made it easier for the psychopaths I grew up with to fuck with me (the clutter is stuff you didn't put down so how are you going to miss an item you put down amongst someone elses clutter: they usually know where everything lives "a place for everything and everything in it's place" but that's lokey how psychopaths keep track and fuck with people who enter their domain: clean house, you will only ever add to it and there's nothing obvious you can take and everything you do that's not how it usually is done is obvious to the owner of the house). Ever wondered why you can never find that thing in your house: it's not an accident it's a deliberate act of sabotage).
Thank you for reading my blog.