The Rules
* No /bant/ comments: every other board counts.
* No samefagging: don't post comments you've made yourself.
* No doubleposts: every comment only counts for one item in the list.
And most importantly, I only accept comments here if you've tagged them in their respective thread. That way I can still confirm in the archives even if they 404'd. All you have to do is add a reply to it with the text "Tagged for /bant/ scavenger hunt:
The Scavenger List
> Find me an anon who posted a rhyme.> Find me an anon who posted on time.> Find me an anon who seems very proud.> Find me an anon who is likely very stout.> Find me an anon who is incredibly depressed.> Find me an anon who is immensely obsessed.> Find me an anon who's talking about birds.> Find me an anon whose butt really hurts.> Find me two anons whose posts make a joke.> Find me an anon who enjoys a good toke.> Find me an anon who's strong as an ox.> Find me an anon who's posted a fox.> Find me an anon who appears a hard worker.> Find me an anon who's better off a lurker.> Find me two anons, in a heated debate.> Find me an anon met with an unfortunate fate.> Find me an anon, who is undeniably gay.> Find the golden anon, and luck will come your way.Find these twenty anons, I challenge you now.
Or else you're all faggots, and your mother I'll plow.
Rely on eachother, and work together as one.
Good luck on your quest /bant/, and most important, have fun!